Example sentences of "[vb infin] to come [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This led him to see that , that only one thing which can begin to come to the rescue of human beings in this situation , and that is universal love , and on that basis he saw , almost instantaneously , that war , that violence , that coldness in personal relations even , are morally intolerable .
2 low rise Would you like to come to the theatre with us ? high rise It.s not fair , did you say ? fall rise I doubt whether that would be any good .
3 ‘ Would you like to come to the mortuary with me ?
4 I have not loved to be very bold afore women , much more would I loathe to come into the hands of any living man , be he physician or surgeon . ’
5 The only way out may simply be to mandate a shorter planning period , an alternative the Japanese have demonstrated does not have to come at the expense of quality .
6 As discussions proceeded , the sale of the land became tied to the payment of Hamilton 's pension , for the Charity Commissioners decided that if the land could be sold for a chief rent of £58 10 0d [ £4 per cent of its market value ] , then the pension could be £125 — but £50 of that would have to come from the salary of the new Headmaster !
7 At first sight , the latter would seem to come under the framework of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 ( RTP ) .
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