Example sentences of "[vb mod] seem [to-vb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Co-housing might seem to carry the ideological baggage of communes from decades past .
2 The fact that confinement prevents one from observing an isolated quark or gluon might seem to make the whole notion of quarks and gluons as particles somewhat metaphysical .
3 His most recent biographer , Carl Rollyson , in The Lives of Norman Mailer , had spoken of his ( Mailer 's ) fear that the end of the Cold War might seem to rob the long-awaited Harlot 's Ghost of its potency and relevance .
4 Whilst this is expecting a great deal for such groups , a measure of personal ministry to the individual plus group ministry to one another would seem to preserve the right balance .
5 They are also relatively stable across contexts : for instance , a topless swim-suit would seem to exemplify the same sense of topless as ( a ) , and a topless barmaid the same as ( b ) .
6 Such ideas would seem to contradict the lateral persistence of facies about which so much fuss was made in Chapter 1 .
7 Right s s so , so part of what we , we , we will er be looking for is a kind of policy which would seem to favour the rich peasant , would seem to reassure the rich peasant , that , that 's
8 Which would seem to reduce the whole matter of authenticity to the level of farce .
9 They would seem to have the same purpose .
10 This ahistorical theory of confirmation would seem to have the unappealing consequence that innumerable observations made on falling stones , planetary positions , etc. will constitute worthwhile scientific activity insofar as they will lead to increases in the estimate of the probability of the truth of the law of gravitation .
11 Right s s so , so part of what we , we , we will er be looking for is a kind of policy which would seem to favour the rich peasant , would seem to reassure the rich peasant , that , that 's
12 Being caught up within the clinical culture , learning by immersion , and absorbing the practice and principles of the firm may seem to leave the educational process to chance but all respondents pleaded that any changes in the preregistration year should not depreciate or downgrade the contribution of apprenticeship to the training process .
13 Kapuscinski exercises a personal charm which must have helped him to establish friendly relations with the people he met , and to gather material , and which can seem to befriend the Western reader .
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