Example sentences of "[vb mod] give [noun] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was inevitable that the shift of leadership from the PLO outside to UNLU should give rise to thoughts of a split in Palestinian ranks , between the ‘ inside ’ and ‘ outside ’ .
2 Although Bekenstein 's hypothesis that black holes have a finite entropy requires for its consistency that black holes should radiate thermally , at first it seems a complete miracle that the detailed quantum-mechanical calculations of particle creation should give rise to emission with a thermal spectrum .
3 This may lay extra stress upon him , and should give rise to considerations of how much stress may be alleviated .
4 In some countries , particularly Germany where companies have a two-tier board , the corporate structure may give rise to difficulties in changing management , which may obstruct the running of a newly acquired business for the benefit of the whole group .
5 The directors of the target must consider carefully any commitment with an offeror ( or anyone else ) which would restrict their freedom to advise their shareholders in the future ( eg not to consider competitive bids ) as such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of fiduciary duties .
6 The latter form of interference may give rise to liability in nuisance .
7 ( 7.3 ) unc Divergence in one operand of a PAR may give rise to divergence in the complete construct , since an implementation may choose to run one argument until it can proceed no further before running another .
8 Weedy pools may give way to areas of broken rock , with boulders and small stones which can be turned over to reveal a hypolithic fauna of considerable interest .
9 For all people , that they may give glory to God for the gifts of speech , hearing and sight which make communication possible , and for the audiovisual media which nourish these gifts in new and marvellous ways .
10 The Inland Revenue , however , has acknowledged that the delay in receiving their Lordships ' decision could give rise to difficulties for employers completing forms P11D ( return of employees ' expenses and benefits ) for 1991/92 and 1992/93 .
11 Yalden & Yalden were able to calculate correction factors which could take this differential loss into account , but clearly this could give rise to problems in interpreting predator assemblages .
12 Since the legal rules about the control of water pollution are expressed through the discretion of field officers it is important to understand their working definitions of pollution in terms of the kinds of events , activities , or social settings which could give rise to action on their part , whatever its ultimate conclusion .
13 ( i ) The main requirement of water for textiles is freedom from solid particles in suspension or from substances that could give rise to solids in processing .
14 Dr. Pugh suggested health workers could give advice to families on how to safeguard their children .
15 ( a ) The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , Theft and Related Offences , Cmnd 2977 , 1966 , 41 , on which the 1968 Act was based , envisaged that some fact situations would give rise to liability under both ss.1 and 15 .
16 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
17 To proceed without doing so would give rise to conflicts of interest which could impede the proper performance of his duties .
18 This will give birth to humility in us , and humility will help us resist the temptation to play God to people .
19 Who will give priority to education for the Third Age ?
20 Both PACT and formularies will give information to GPs on drug costs .
21 As Fig. 24 illustrates , the basic pattern can give rise to others by changes in the phase difference between the stepping sequences of right and left sides .
22 Defamations which endanger the peace by being couched in threatening , abusive or insulting language may be prosecuted under the Public Order Act , and most poison-pen letters can give rise to charges under the provisions of the Post Office Act 1953 or the Malicious Communication Act 1988 .
23 For example , leakage of charged particles into the upper atmosphere of a planet can give rise to emissions of em radiation called aurora .
24 This can give rise to confusion since +1 is considered to be TRUE and NOT(+1) is -2 , which is also considered to be TRUE .
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