Example sentences of "[vb mod] want [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Microsoft one plugs into a serial port you may want to use for a modem , while you have to hunt for a mouse to fit into the IBM PS/2 socket .
2 This means , then , that the sort of target group description the agency may want to develop for the advertising will be something like this ( for a brand of ice cream ) :
3 You may want to wipe around the eyes with moist cotton wool on occasions as part of the regular grooming process , and also inspect the ears .
4 Whatever criticisms one may want to make of the quality of the evidence and analysis of the debate , it is hard to deny its effectiveness in changing the climate with regard to the control of the curriculum .
5 You 'll want to wait till the end of the month before I put mine in
6 He 'll want to go to the toilet when you start blowing the candles out little horror
7 But I 'm not really planning to be a hermit ; my brother 's coming over soon , and I know he 'll want to go to the islands , so we 'll be in touch .
8 He 'd declined the butler 's offer to take his coat : he might want to leave in a hurry .
9 One thing you might want to do as a way of putting an argument together would be to look up the word " Romanticism " in the dictionary , since Byron 's poetry belongs to this literary movement .
10 Such a store address is a new type of information that we might want to deposit as the contents of a word .
11 Marlin had been as solicitous as an erring husband since the attack , calling her from his office every hour or so , and several times suggesting that she might want to talk with an analyst , or at very least with one of his many friends who 'd been assaulted or mugged on the streets of Manhattan .
12 That Yuri Andropov was head of the KGB , or even the USSR 's Ambassador in Hungary in 1956 , may tell us little of how he might want to behave as the Tsar , and First Secretary of the Communist Party .
13 This is exactly the kind of picture which we might want to save from a screen paintbrush job ; lovely blends of colour , subtle shades and shapes , and not a straight line anywhere .
14 " I thought you might want to break off the match after I 'd made an exhibition of myself . "
15 You might want to add to a set of chairs that you already possess , or make up a matching chair to one at home .
16 Joan for what it 's worth erm and this is just something you might want to think about a mobile is worth its weight in gold .
17 It would be very naive to suppose that one report taken on its own could tell you as much as you might want to know about the organization .
18 Now when we came across that it was dealt with very quickly and the , er sparklers were removed , but , er you know , the potential danger there particularly with young children running around , might want to play with a sparkler , with thirty or fifty thousand of the things in the same room .
19 This is n't the kind of thing we 'd want to see in the minutes , is it ? ’
20 Most of what you 'd want to do in a DTP package you can do with WordPerfect 5.1 , if a little awkwardly .
21 I thought you 'd want to sit round the table .
22 ‘ There is no definite plan … if you were going to , you would want to go at the top , and we are still growing . ’
23 It is unrealistic to assume that all the Palestinians currently living in the Arab states , whether still in refugee camps or integrated into their host society , could or would want to return to a West Bank-Gaza Palestinian state . ’
24 although he would want to return to the question of public spending savings , he said that the report was a very thorough examination and also exceptionally well written .
25 Who would want to cook with an oven such as this ?
26 And who but a megalomaniac would want to live on the set for a Hammer horror movie ? ’
27 What , do you have any idea what sort of social work you would want to do in the end , or not really ?
28 This is a much more difficult job than connecting into uPVC stack — sand is possibly a job that you would want to leave to a plumber .
29 After I had fired the frame they would want to look through the camera and would actually retake it with his own finger , saying ‘ It looks better like this . ’
30 The council was doubtful whether the public would want to pay for the changes .
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