Example sentences of "[vb mod] be regarded [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Permission must be obtained to travel by car along the private road in Glen Farrar and , if granted , should be regarded as a great privilege for there is loveliness all the way to its terminus at Loch Monar , now a reservoir .
2 It should be regarded as a non-secure , learning environment only , and should not have live data entered into it except for training purposes .
3 But it adds : ‘ Recourse to formal dispute arrangements should be regarded as a rare and serious event ’ .
4 as well as more domestic problems within Scotland of unemployment and so on , I mean , really depression should be regarded as a normal response
5 If they can not afford to have one installed , this should be regarded as a first priority and paid for by their children if they can afford it , which is often quite possible if there is a willingness on their part to make some small economy in their own spending each month .
6 This should be regarded as a prototyping system , primarily intended to meet the requirements of our microscopists .
7 A PEP should be regarded as a long-term investment though , so do not tie your money up if you think you may need it quickly .
8 Prior consultation and participative decision-making has not always been regarded as a right but teachers ' involvement should be regarded as a professional entitlement .
9 Any problems with drains should be regarded as a major defect and the details passed on to your solicitor .
10 Secondly , all the terms of the lease should be regarded as a single bargain for letting the property .
11 Automatic accruer is perhaps more commonly used by professional partnerships ( and has the practical advantage of not being dependent upon compliance with a prescribed timetable ) but there is considerable uncertainty as to whether such an arrangement should be regarded as a binding contract for the sale and purchase of the partnership share so as to take its value outside the scope of business property relief for the purposes of Inheritance Tax ( see Chapter 10 ) .
12 In particular his concern with social benefit and social cost ( the costs of ill-health fall on the community , not just the individual ) , the view that welfare spending should be regarded as a social investment which could increase national productivity and efficiency and his technocratic approach to solving social problems are all typically Fabian .
13 Perhaps smacking should be regarded as a last resort and even then as something of a failure in communication between parent and child .
14 On the contrary , any reaction should be regarded as a positive step .
15 In spite of the fact that nothing can be substituted for — ness , and it therefore participates in no contrasts , recurrent or otherwise , it is different from — s in those books , and arguments can be put forward that it should be regarded as a semantic constituent .
16 It seems or it seemed to us till lately — a natural thing that love ( under certain conditions ) should be regarded as a noble and ennobling passion : it is only if we imagine ourselves trying to explain this doctrine to Aristotle , Virgil , St Paul , or the author of Beomuy , that we become aware how far from natural it is .
17 Another point to be taken into consideration is that grants are only made to applicants whose homes are below a certain rateable value , which varies in different areas of the country , and that , when the work is completed , the home must be regarded as a suitable dwelling for occupation for at least another thirty years .
18 In view of the ‘ Charter fever ’ that is currently spreading across Canada , this must be regarded as a substantial possibility .
19 The competition rules must be regarded as a double-edged sword by businesses .
20 It was his passionate conviction that sarvodaya , which might be regarded as a practical expression of Truth , could only be effected by means of ahi sā , and the votary of ahi sā would be prepared to sacrifice himself in order to realize this ideal .
21 Presumably men of modest means would scarcely have qualified , but only 502 were worth £20 and upwards , and 406 had £40 or more , a figure that might be regarded as a reasonable minimum for a substantial businessman .
22 Killing then might be regarded as a moral duty in certain circumstances in spite of the instinctive horror we might feel about the destruction of living beings .
23 Should a man 's life succeed in influencing and converting others then that might be regarded as a true and valid form of evangelism .
24 ‘ He 's gone through what might be regarded as a quiet spell this season , ’ said Clough .
25 He recognizes that it might be regarded in a pejorative sense as indicating a readiness to compromise and to accept something inferior , but he uses the term , nevertheless , for the want of a better word and tries to give it a different connotation .
26 The care taken over the disposal of the dead indicates a deeply held conviction that , provided the appropriate steps were taken , death could be regarded as a transitional state .
27 This argument could be regarded as a rebuttable presumption , but then the inexorable logic of the theory breaks down ; it could not be said that legal rules were always to be determined by the ordinary courts .
28 By analogy , therefore , where the refusal of planning permission makes it impossible for a defendant to comply with the terms of a nuisance order , this could be regarded as a reasonable excuse .
29 In general , Beccaria 's philosophy exhibits what could be regarded as a curious combination of concern with the rights of the individual under the social contract on the one hand , and utilitarian reductivism on the other — curious because rights theory and utilitarianism are often thought to be philosophically incompatible .
30 A novel like The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot , for instance , could be regarded as a latter-day Middlemarch , with Meg rising up and breaking free as Dorothea does , and it is possible to detect the influence of Wilson 's favourite writer , Dickens , in works as dissimilar as Anglo-Saxon Attitudes and No Laughing Matter .
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