Example sentences of "[vb mod] be explained by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This observation might be explained by the cDNA sequence which contains two internal ATG triplets encoding methionine residues which are in frame with the adjacent POU domain ( Figure 1 ) .
2 In some instances the researchers accepted that this pattern might be explained by the preponderance of mode B schemes ‘ but more often a process of ‘ guided drift ’ could be detected , based on a stereotyping of both young people and mode delivery ’ ( pp. 38 — 9 ) .
3 This might be explained by the fact that the former category are not the direct employees of the establishment and that their terms and conditions of employment are less subject to regulation by unions .
4 It might be explained by the fact that the toxin is effective from the luminal side and binds irreversibly to a particular membrane receptor .
5 The fanciful style of the gaol might be explained by the fact that the man who paid for it , Lord Cobham , was also the man who had the biggest collection of follies in the country in the grounds of his nearby estate , Stowe , including a gothic folly .
6 Thus all the complicated structures that we see in the universe might be explained by the no boundary condition for the universe together with the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics .
7 ( Also , the particle theory of light went out of favor during the nineteenth century ; it seemed that everything could be explained by the wave theory , and according to the wave theory , it was not clear that light would be affected by gravity at all . )
8 For centuries the argument continued without any real evidence on either side , but in 1803 the British chemist and physicist , John Dalton , pointed out that the fact that chemical compounds always combined in certain proportions could be explained by the grouping together of atoms to form units called molecules .
9 The reason for this is not clear but it could be explained by the finding of a lower prevalence of H pylori in NSAID patients , and by the tendency of NSAID related damage to be maximal in the gastric antrum .
10 The lower specificity of Pyloriset Latex , Helico-G , and Biolab Malakit tests in NSAID patients could be explained by the presence of chemical gastritis and the low prevalence of H pylori in these patients , as found by this study and by thers .
11 An increased absorption of PEGs in active ulcerative colitis could be explained by the presence of inflammation resulting in the loss of mucosal integrity .
12 On the basis of the much more complete seismic data available by the late 196()s it was being suggested that the inclined zone of seismicity ( the Wadati-Benioff zone ) associated with island arcs and active continental margin mountain belts could be explained by the existence of a slab of lithosphere plunging down into the mantle .
13 Initially , in the early 1960s , these were concerned to test the social-psychological assumption that young people 's entry into work could be explained by the idea of ‘ occupational choice ’ .
14 Part of the additional cost could be explained by the fact that UPH had not got enough cash to make the purchase .
15 However , some of these could be explained by the fact that the temporary workers were also part-timers ( who were , in any case , excluded from particular benefits ) , or that certain benefits were available only to workers with a minimum service record .
16 This discrepancy could be explained by the fact that these studies were of poor design , with insufficient power to detect changes in mortality .
17 This result could be explained by the absence of a fall in blood pressure between as well as within groups .
18 This difference may be explained by the technique involved .
19 Contemporary attempts by the military in liberal democracies to see itself as professionalized , like similar movements among police forces , may be explained by the military 's desire , on the one hand , to avoid attacks on its competence or political attitudes and , on the other , to provide a basis from which to claim superiority for its expert views on policy matters from weapons procurement to military strategy .
20 He concluded that the no-arbitrage condition is supported by the empirical evidence , and that the earlier underpricing may be explained by the newness of the market and the inexperience of the participants , or by the tax timing option ( see Section 5.3.4 ) becoming unimportant .
21 Almost half the Congo patients still had detectable parasitaemia on day 4 ; in Gabon all patients had a negative thick blood film on day 3 , and this may be explained by the use of a new formulation of halofantrine .
22 I suggest that the discrepancy between the climate modelling results which indicate seasonal temperature extremes , and the increasing body of geological information documenting a temperate climate , may be explained by the fact that the palaeogeography used in the models does not take into account the existence of these lakes and rivers , which would have had a major influence on the regional climate .
23 The observation of a less noticeable stimulatory response to neuropeptide Y in the rat than in the dog may be explained by the fact that these rats were anaesthetised with urethane which is known to cause release of somatostatin — a known universal inhibitor of gut secretions .
24 The difference between the studies may be explained by the fact that we adopted more stringent criteria for assessing H pylori state and also assessed gastric function only in H pylori negative patients with DU who had no other explanation for their ulcer disease .
25 This may be explained by the fact that more hydrogen was used in a metabolism other than methanogenesis in these subjects even on the basal diet .
26 This may be explained by the fact that the increased basal acid output in duodenal ulcer patients was due to their combination of increased basal gastrin and exaggerated acid response to gastrin .
27 The trend towards greater leniency for most offenders can be explained by the operation of the first part of Durkheim 's first law , which postulates increasing leniency as collective sentiments become more secular .
28 The contradictions between these implicit tendencies and Goody 's explicit rejection of them can be explained by the framework of distinctions on which the inquiry is based in the first place .
29 However , because of the low gravity of the Moon the compression inside it is also small , and the slight increase of density with depth is more than can be explained by the compression of a homogeneous material .
30 The extremely high intragastric ammonium concentration in the renal failure patients with H pylori infection can be explained by the combination of their high gastric juice urea concentration and the high urease activity of the organism .
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