Example sentences of "[vb mod] change from [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But it is far more demanding not only of subordinates but particularly for the manager whose role must change from critic to helper .
2 I do n't know if chemically he 'd change from day to day or if his stars were n't right , or maybe that was the game that he played .
3 The colour you are assigned arises from your position in the draw , but this may change from round to round , so do n't go to the same position as you went to previously .
4 Contradictory messages are given on diet , fitness and health in general — for example the advice on coffee , butter or even jogging , may change from week to week .
5 Those concepts of the legal fiction and the ritual whose interpretation may change from age to age are essential to the understanding of Sweeney Agonistes in Eliot 's own development as an artist .
6 The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time , and their relative importance may also vary , depending on the situation .
7 He always went for a type — dark-haired , dark-eyed endomorphs — and when chatting up his quarry , his voice would change from baritone to bass baritone without realising .
8 ‘ Newspaper sale prediction is open to wide margins of error , as are any sale predictions … primarily because the quality of the product will change from week to week depending on the available content , the number of editorial pages and so on . ’
9 Shown here is a very small selection which will change from time to time .
10 Again , since truth is held to be individual and also fallible , rulership will be both conditional and also temporary ; because clearly the views as to what is true and therefore proper for government to act upon will change from time to time as opinion fluctuates amongst the body of the people .
11 The fees can change from year to year and the figures appearing in section ( 2 ) of the table below headed ‘ Estimated Costs ’ must be used only as an indication of the minimum likely to apply .
12 The masking can be consistent ( for example , top/bottom , left/right , middle/edges ) or it can change from frame to frame .
13 Everyone should follow Marshall 's example here because the amount of effect level needed can change from gig to gig and the mix pot makes this adjustment instantly , without your having to mess about with the processor 's levels .
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