Example sentences of "[vb mod] be allowed [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He said that no one should be allowed to rule in the name of religion , and warned that such groups would be " liquidated " .
2 There they form the sole basis of the electoral system , and it is therefore indispensable that voters should be allowed to choose between the candidates they include .
3 According to The Times of June 24 ministers also disagreed on whether the Soviet Union should be allowed to borrow from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) in excess of its borrowing limit of 6 per cent — the same as its shareholding in the bank .
4 In 1986 there was a major debate about whether Westland Helicopters should be allowed to merge with the US helicopter giant Sikorsky , or whether it should be forced into a European partnership .
5 Under Clifford , Palmer bided his time , keeping to himself his misgivings about the governor 's achievements in centralization , and exerting himself openly only to oppose Clifford 's proposal that lawyers should be allowed to plead in the provincial courts , thereby unacceptably diluting what had been under Lugard the Resident 's almost unrestricted jurisdiction over them .
6 On the horns of the Bull Ring dilemma : The people of Birmingham should be allowed to vote on the future development of their city , Jonathan Glancey believes
7 A substantial number of Conservative MPs argued that parents of prospective pupils should be allowed to vote on the grounds that the parents of prospective pupils have a bigger stake in the future of the school than parents whose children are in their final year and who will not therefore be affected by any changes .
8 The campaign is run by environmental communications group WBMG , which says it wants to spread debate about whether Thorp should be allowed to operate outside the environmental movement .
9 Tory backbenchers who never liked the duopoly solution are determined to get the Energy department to unpick its handiwork , either by making National Power and PowerGen , more evenly sized companies or insisting that one or more new generating firms should be allowed to compete in the British market .
10 And with a mass of highly critical evidence built up against him , chief executive Venables faces a mammoth task in trying to persuade the court he should be allowed to stay on the board despite his sacking on May 14 .
11 The corrective operation could not be undertaken until the child was three months old , and the doctor recommended that the child should be allowed to stay at the hospital until she was due for surgery , her condition producing difficulties in feeding .
12 Relatives should be allowed to stay with the resident throughout this time so that they are not left alone .
13 In the , when we dealt with the matter of children and communion , we based the whole case upon the doctrine that nothing must be allowed to stand in the way of the grace of God being available for all and sundry .
14 Nothing must be allowed to stand in the way of that .
15 Premises might be allowed to deteriorate by the proposed assignee .
16 Erm she would ask that and fine that impose today er , could be paid by her at the rate of five pounds per week erm , she er runs a car her invalidity income amounts to forty six pounds fifteen pence per week and she also receives a super annuation payment from her former employers Goldeson 's Hospital at the rate of a hundred and three pounds per month but she and her husband do have to er to run the home and er , and run the house er , run run the car and she would ask that she 'll be allowed to pay at the rate of five pound per week .
17 An attacking enemy could be allowed to break through the outer gates and would find that he was surrounded by walls and towers which were every bit as impregnable as those outside .
18 If I did marry Parr , and had two little children and made a lovely home , I 'd be allowed to run off the rails a bit , so long I was discreet .
19 ROBERT Maxwell 's widow may be allowed to live in the family mansion at Oxford until the turn of the century , it was revealed yesterday .
20 The French President , François Mitterrand , confirmed on Oct. 15 that Aoun had been granted political asylum as a " question of honour " and that he would be allowed to remain in the embassy indefinitely .
21 Moreover , people who had migrated to towns would be allowed to return to the countryside and receive plots upon joining co-operatives , while local residents who were not farmers would be allowed plots of 2,500 square metres provided that they paid a tax and undertook to put the land to cultivation .
22 Only large practices would be allowed to opt for the scheme .
23 There would be no " blanket de-collectivization " , and profitable collective and state farms would be allowed to continue in the context of equal opportunities being given to all forms of farm ownership .
24 President Snegur stated that Russian officers living in the Dnestr region would be allowed to serve in the Moldovan national armed forces , and that units of these armed forces would be stationed in eastern Moldova ( i.e. the Dnestr republic ) .
25 With economic vision so blinkered it was to be expected that the economy would be allowed to drift with the market situation and without significant and positive government direction .
26 In return , Dove Trading International would be allowed to spend inside the Soviet Union profits from the sales of the goods calculated at Rbs140,000 million .
27 Whether local government would be allowed to go through the same process is difficult to say .
28 Mrs Woods , of Bridlington , refused to send Tommy back to school until she was guaranteed he would be allowed to sit with the other children .
29 Anne had wondered what would happen now to Margaret and Molly and if they would be allowed to stay in the house , but Margaret confided that the death of the Misses Dolan had solved a problem for her .
30 The 16-point plan presented by the rebels at this meeting had been rejected by the government , but on Oct. 15 Chissano announced that MNR rebels would be allowed to stand in the 1991 elections if they renounced violence and laid down their arms .
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