Example sentences of "[vb mod] be connect with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was disagreement with the Corporation as to whether the track in Tamworth Road , Croydon , common to the Mitcham and Sutton routes , should be connected with the Corporation rails on West Croydon Bridge .
2 What that dour clerk had announced must be connected with the death of Lady Eleanor , and , perhaps the death of old Martha .
3 She knew that some of the men there were shepherds who came in from the country and that all this must be connected with the kidnapping .
4 It had also been cut by a culvert originally containing a wooden box drain , which might be connected with the provision of the sandstone-lined drains further east .
5 These could be connected with the telegraph wires alongside the track , so that communication could be established as necessary with the nearest signal-box or with central control .
6 The police suspect the IRA may be connected with the incident .
7 The evidence actually tends to be ambiguous ( West 1969 ; Jones 1979b ) as indications of timberwork at the lip of the pit may be connected with the superstructure and planking in the base may have fallen from the walls or roof lining .
8 Up to one in four allergies may be connected with the workplace .
9 The timing of the transaction may be connected with the purpose of the sale and be critical to the transaction as a whole .
10 It may be connected with the use of drugs , especially antibiotics .
11 The charter S 950 is a grant to him from 1018 , and so is S 952 , which alleges that Cnut gave Christ Church freedom , and may be connected with the report ( S 985 ) that he confirmed their liberties by placing their charters on the altar .
12 X Ltd would be a body corporate ( s678(1) ( a ) ) and would be connected with the settlement ( s678(4) ) .
13 Some will be connected with the parent 's needs , but others will be personal to them ; psychological , social and financial .
14 and Jespersen feel that where to is clearly felt to have meaning it can be connected with the preposition to in the spatial sense of movement towards a point .
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