Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] herself [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The psychologist worked on the assumption that Dawn should prepare herself for a life of dependency on others , so he did not try to motivate her towards self-sufficiency .
2 When a woman has finished her menstrual period and has counted seven days when no fresh bleeding has been apparent , she must immerse herself in a mikva before sexual relations with her husband can resume .
3 A bride must immerse herself in a mikva before her wedding .
4 A woman who has given birth must immerse herself in a mikva before she can resume sexual relations with her husband .
5 He put on his shirt and suggested she should wash herself at the sink .
6 She must hone herself into the likeness of her beloved stiletto .
7 She can not afford to make a mistake so she must leave herself to the administrations of Lady G , June 's of Hamilton or Gina Smart in Ayr .
8 She failed to see , Mrs Stead-Carter finally declared , why it was that Miss Poraway , who had never been a mother , should concern herself with the Mothers ' Union in the first place .
9 There 's many a a mum you know , who 'll who 'll clothe herself from a jumble sale .
10 I despised myself anyway , haunted by things as superficial as a way of moving , a combination of colour and shape , an asymmetrical smile , the chance attributes of someone who holds herself so cheap she 'll squander herself on a man as truly valueless as Florian Jones , and ignore both his marriage and his other affairs .
11 A cell awaited her , and certain death — unless she could throw herself on the Queen 's mercy .
12 He had the passenger door open before she could free herself from the seatbelt .
13 She could busy herself in the garden till then .
14 She tended to be over-indulgent with Victoria , partly because she could see herself in the child and partly too , in some perverse fashion , to make up for what she considered to be her own harsh upbringing under Jonadab 's strict rules .
15 Just ge go anywhere sh I 'm sure she 'd entertain herself at the shops , she 'd be quite happy
16 Then her subtly coloured eyelids swept shut , blindness an instinctive need , as if by shutting Luke out of her vision she could barricade herself against the swoop of his mouth .
17 Still , she could console herself with the knowledge that Luke , and all his complexities , would n't be impinging upon her life for much longer .
18 She could lose herself in a place like this ; if not in the valley itself , then in some other part of the region .
19 As she danced she could lose herself in the movement .
20 She would look all right and would throw herself into the dancing with undisciplined enthusiasm .
21 Sometimes , he knew , she would bruise herself with a rock to get morph-plus out of him .
22 She could not have guessed how much she would enjoy herself with a stranger , how completely this woman was in sympathy with her , could not have hoped for a new friend to come out , at this stage in her life , and give her so much pleasure .
23 ‘ All the people in this valley is descended from four brothers from Scotland called Leekie , ’ Nana sat heavily down on the upright rush-seated chair which was the most she would permit herself in the way of comfort , and began the tale as Martha had always heard her tell it .
24 She would let herself into the flat and be waiting for Rachaela behind her screen .
25 She would represent herself as an angel of light and make her kind master and benefactor a devil incarnate .
26 Art History as a subject was not yet available at Cambridge : she would attach herself to the Courtauld Institute .
27 If he thought of a spacecraft , for example , then Gedanken would find herself in a spacecraft !
28 The surviving spouse of the most disagreeable , friendless partner may find herself at the centre of a crowd at his funeral , but once dispersed the crowd does not re-form .
29 In certain extreme circumstances , Her Majesty may find herself in a position in which she is called on to use her discretion in making a political decision .
30 This is the reason that the ‘ equal-value amendment ’ was passed , which means that a woman seeking equal pay can compare herself with a man doing work of similar value , and not the more stringent condition of a man who is actually doing exactly the same work .
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