Example sentences of "[vb mod] [vb infin] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] position " in BNC.

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1 He should think himself into the position of the other person , whether in-house or customer , and try to anticipate his approach and reactions .
2 Officers would perform excellent service if they could put themselves in a position to receive information which could be translated into proceedings before a jury .
3 If you are selling a house and buying another one , you may find yourself in a position where you have to wait for your purchaser to complete , whereas your new home is ready .
4 In certain extreme circumstances , Her Majesty may find herself in a position in which she is called on to use her discretion in making a political decision .
5 For example , a conglomerate in receipt of inside information from an issuer of publicly traded securities may find itself in a position where actual compliance with its disclosure obligations to its retail customers ( ie. , those who wish to buy shares ) in accordance with the equitable principle of undivided loyalty causes it to be liable in an action for breach of confidence to its corporate clients , and guilty of tipping in violation of anti-insider dealing laws .
6 What you 've got to do is actually have some understanding of the needs of a of particular newspapers , radio programmes , television programmes , by studying , look at it , see what it who 's it for , what language do they use , how do they phrase things , what 's their format , and then you can get yourself in the position where you can say , ‘ I can do something like that , I can produce something like that . ’
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