Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] at the very [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And finally , they should explain at the very beginning of their conversation why they are phoning you .
2 Mr Smith said : ‘ However well intentioned the reform may have been and however well it may work in schools sufficiently funded for it to work , the fact is too many of its side-effects are visible , malign and damaging and John Patten must have at the very top of his agenda an urgent review . ’
3 Erm , that should go at the very front of your binder , if you really want to keep that information in your binder .
4 Sacrifices must start at the very top with those who can most afford them .
5 and we do have , some of this slides which , I 'll show at the very end , alright , but it means it er , erm , the first part of the talk we 'll keep the lights on and then could I ask you , you know to look and then pass it around like school
6 And when the platform emptied , he could see at the very end of it , a forlorn figure sitting all by herself .
7 They , you see to , they used to have a , they used to camp at the very top of the hill up there .
8 Let's start at the very beginning .
9 It indicates that there is something left over after the linguists have done their work , a dark or light madness about language that will not be repressed and that can erupt at the very heart of the most sacred regulations identified as normative by grammarians .
10 Pupil/peer recognition can hit at the very heart of the learning system and either inhibit or encourage progress .
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