Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] for a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 He suggested that the air campaign would continue for a considerable period before a ground attack would be considered .
2 It would sit for a limited period , probably less than six months , and would take over responsibility for those areas of state operation essential for impartial elections including the security forces , a limited budgetary role , the state-owned media and the conduct of the elections themselves .
3 Such a right would give a monopoly in the program , thus protecting the underlying ideas more effectively than copyright , but the right would last for a shorter period than a patent , say 5 or 7 years maximum .
4 Also by virtue of its ability to predict whether a company will survive for a given period of time , it can give the credit manager more confidence to enter into long term relationships with customers .
5 Unless the centre or SCOTVEC identifies a need for an earlier date , a contract will operate for a fixed period , after which a further Quality Audit will take place .
6 The Unified Leadership ( UNLU ) claimed these ‘ are more than temporary committees which will operate for a limited period of time .
7 This Agreement commences on [ ] and will continue for a fixed period of three years and thereafter will continue from year to year unless terminated by at least sixty days ' written notice by either party to the other , such notice to expire on any anniversary date of the commencement of this Agreement falling after the expiry of the fixed period aforesaid .
8 The existing pension arrangements will continue for a transitional period .
9 Subject to the necessary amendments being made to the provisions of the schemes , they will continue for a transitional period after privatisation to provide for continuity of pension provisions and allow time for the privatised company to make new arrangements .
10 ( b ) Use will continue for a substantial period .
11 This will last for a limited period .
12 They involve an agreement that the job will last for a specified period of time , although often provisions are included to enable the contract to be renewed if so desired .
13 They involve an agreement that the job will last for a specified period of time , although often provisions are included to enable the contract to be renewed if so desired .
14 The order may last for a maximum period of 15 years .
15 11.3 At the end of the Term of this Agreement , may continue for an additional period of six ( 6 ) months to complete orders and sell off its existing stocks of the Licensed Products and will pay to all royalties attributable to such sales in accordance with clauses 5 and 6 .
16 The longer the lapse of time the less your chance of success , but ferrets can live for a considerable period within a burrow system — as much as three weeks .
17 The initial reaction is usually shocked disbelief which can last for a long period , while the person may feel very detached from the world or completely at sea .
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