Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [conj] [art] present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the scheme is to qualify for grant aid , the benefit-cost assessment must show that the present value of all the benefits derived from the scheme exceed the present value of all the costs .
2 However , in the long run society should invest if the present value of future benefits exceeds the cost of adding to the capital stock .
3 ‘ I must emphasise that the present nitrate standard of 50mg/litre remains , in our view , the appropriate preferred standard .
4 When that word becomes common currency , then we 'll know that the present stereotypes have lost their stranglehold .
5 If Mao could sit up in his mausoleum and scan the elite quarters to the west of the Forbidden City , with X-ray vision to penetrate its vermilion walls , he would conclude that the present leadership should be Respected Tactically but Despised Strategically .
6 The Directive allows more stringent requirements and therefore it would seem that the present UK practice ( and its lower initial threshold ) can be continued , which may help UK companies fearful of predators .
7 ‘ Therefore the problem that had emerged in 1985 has come as a considerable shock to us and I would say that the present directors of Mogul Ireland — ourselves — have acted promptly , decisively and responsibly since it came to our attention .
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