Example sentences of "[subord] it [vb mod] [be] assumed [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Durotriges , with most probably the southern branch of the Dubunni , gave the Romans serious trouble , so it can be assumed that they may have supplied a strong detachment to help oppose the Medway crossing .
2 A system can be designed much more economically if it can be assumed that skilled personnel are available to control and take care of it .
3 The random selection of cases is an approximation to experimental randomisation if it can be assumed that the population from which the sample is drawn is homogeneous : a reasonable assumption when dealing with a population of seeds , plants , germs , etc .
4 This is a universal conception because it can be assumed that all societies and social groups possess , in some form or another , such common sense and practical knowledge .
5 While it can be assumed that routine bookkeeping and other financial support services are readily available , questions of profit-making and pricing are likely to cause the surveyor difficulties .
6 The going concern concept does not apply since it can be assumed that , absent law to the contrary , all authorities will exist into the foreseeable future .
7 It is sensible to treat all raw meat and poultry with extreme care as it must be assumed that it is likely to be contaminated by food poisoning germs .
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