Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] look [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 So how about if I look at the six monthly saving ,
2 Earlier than that I have a problem and it is my problem ; if you look at the 500 or so records I have produced there is quite a small percentage either on original instruments or of pre-Classical music .
3 Erm , let me just see in the report if you look at the nineteen eighties erm yes , between nineteen eighty and nineteen eighty nine , the volume of agricultural trade , alright , grew by twenty six percent , alright , now that was a third of the growth of manufactures , alright , manufactures were growing by nearly ninety percent over that period , alright .
4 But if you look at the sixty five and add on the twelve , it 's er seventy seven and of course if you go on to the actuarial figures actually get better as you get older in terms of actual lifespan .
5 I think what is interesting , though , is that if you look at the two amendments which are on the audit paper , one deals with speculation er proposed by the Tories .
6 If we look at the two charts in figures 21 and 22 , we can see how they intermesh .
7 It is brought home sharply when we look at the two lists of the inhabitants of the Nottinghamshire village of Clayworth that were made by the minister in 1676 and 1688 , for we find that no less than 61.8 per cent of those recorded in 1676 were not there twelve years later ; only one-third of those who had disappeared had died .
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