Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [verb] themselves [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At its heart lie two raised mires of deep peat , wildernesses of scattered birch , where adders sun themselves among the fern , and amber dragonflies haunt the peaty pools .
2 Further , once women get themselves into the position of dependent housewives , they have a vested interest in the maintenance of the status quo since it is too late in their lives to think of independent careers , and sexual freedom merely means the freedom for their husbands to seek younger women .
3 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
4 Some merely regard their function as a necessary official procedure best conducted with the least possible fuss and difficulty , while others regard themselves as the only impartial authority capable of investigating a sequence of events involving fatality no matter how technically complicated it might be .
5 The two sides to the civil war which had raged in the capital , Mogadishu , since mid-November committed themselves to an immediate ending of hostilities at UN-sponsored peace negotiations in New York on Feb. 14 .
6 State-controlled television claimed on Nov. 18 that the opposition protest " had fizzled out as people dissociated themselves from the politics of disruption and violence " , although it acknowledged that stoning and tear-gassing in Lahore had " caused inconvenience " .
7 The division between labour and capital was therefore a nationalist and ethnic one rather than a class one , even though Zuwaya cast themselves in the role of capitalist entrepreneurs , for example when they defended free markets against state-controlled ones .
8 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
9 As humans liberate themselves from the constraints of nature ( scarce resources ) through technology , there comes about a domination of nature .
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