Example sentences of "[v-ing] herself [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She used her feet , dancing away and flying back , anchoring herself to the broken lamp-post as she launched four rapid kicks to the Daughter 's torso .
2 She drew back , pressing herself into the upholstered chair , and surreptitiously studied him in the gilt mirror opposite .
3 She is expressing herself against the popular wisdom concerning her sex .
4 Miranda began , again , addressing herself to the young girl , ‘ While I 'm getting ready , would you like to come up and see my room ? ’
5 Dana had not appeared for the promised fitting or for the rehearsal , excusing herself at the last minute because Roman had wanted her for alterations to one of the outfits she was to wear .
6 Kate , forcing herself with the greatest difficulty to resist his blatant charm , gave him back a calculating half-smile .
7 She caught worldwide attention last year when she claimed in a defence of prostitution charges that she could only satisfy a sex addiction by selling herself to the long line of men .
8 Describing herself as the unrepentant collector , Mrs. Vernon Smith showed a variety of garments and artefacts .
9 ‘ Please help me out of my problems , Mr Croydon , ’ she said softly , despising herself for the wheedling tone in her voice .
10 Julie rolled over , finally propping herself against the back door , touching the bolts there to reassure herself that it was locked .
11 She had been out of prison for two months and was in the process of re-establishing herself in the outside world .
12 Wright applied in 1978 , committing herself to the five community rules which include monthly meetings with other ( local ) members , donating one-tenth of one 's income to the church — and allocating time for others .
13 From here , where she stood orientating herself to the unknown photographer 's vision of Aurae Phiala , and sharing his revelation , even that violent force , at once protection and threat , seemed charmed into tameness , passing on tiptoe by this idyllic place .
14 She set to work with a vengeance , losing herself in the difficult task of making all those fiercely vivid images of him that were swirling around in her head tangible .
15 Abandoning herself to the overpowering intoxication of his embrace , she parted her lips beneath his as he ravished the inner sweetness of her mouth .
16 She was definitely distancing herself from the older woman .
17 As well as powdering herself with the same orange and blue skin-whitening powders which her mother and grandmother had used , our bride asked maids and foreign Arab friends to search out modern creams and perfumes to be tried and kept , tried and discarded .
18 He dipped towards her , and she tried again to free herself , but the more she struggled , the more his fingers tightened their hold on the back of her neck , and she closed her eyes helplessly , steeling herself for the marauding touch of his mouth .
19 Then she mentally gave herself a shake — steeling herself against the creeping rush of longing .
20 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
21 Wrapping herself in the pink kimono hanging on the back of the bedroom door , she went softly down the stairs to the kitchen .
22 She rested her chin on her knees , preparing herself for the long wait .
23 But I accepted what G.K. Chesterton had put so well in 1911 : ‘ A woman putting up her fists at a man is a woman putting herself in the one position which does not frighten him . ’
24 Where Macbeth had been concealed or opaque to Duncan , and was thus in a superior position , manipulating him by pretence , we now see Lady Macbeth putting herself in the dominant position , planning to manipulate her husband : Macbeth is now transparent to her , and she to us .
25 Hyacinth nervously straddled the pot again and , supported by her mother , was lowering herself over the steaming brew when the door crashed open .
26 She looked round swiftly to check whether the others had seen him but Conrad was pouring wine and chattering , Philippa was settling herself into the crimson beanbag , Larry was moving around in the kitchen , John was sipping his drink and testing out her rocking-chair and the lad with the twisted arm was hovering , uncomfortably .
27 But when it came to it , when she had to make the decision about leaving home for good , throwing herself into the wide world and trying her luck , she felt unhappy .
28 ‘ Wow , ’ said Lydia , heaving herself to the other side of the bed and plumping up her pillow .
29 The girl in the conservatory reached out a hand and flicked the switch , lighting them the last few yards , and floodlighting herself at the same time .
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