Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] door " in BNC.

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1 As I got out I caught the enigmatic Mr Goodson sneaking in through the front door , but if he 'd seen me pull up , he did n't wait to say Hello .
2 So off we went out and we played our football , and I came back , and we were sneaking in through the back door and bumped right into him .
3 Adrian Scanlon insisted on driving up to the front door , once I had opened the gate .
4 A stray , dingy orange kitten came yowling up to the back door one night .
5 I remember hens , large grey ones , wandering in through the back door .
6 Looking in through the open door of one , I saw a fat , drunk skinhead in a wheelchair .
7 Vincent barely managed to keep his temper in check in the blast of this ‘ raw north wind ’ that had come howling in through the front door .
8 The casings were a little way to the right , spilling out of a back door to the club .
9 But at last she was back in her room , and sinking back against the closed door in a grief that was too deep for tears .
10 Rohmer was already pushing out through the front door after Duvall .
11 Just as her words were out one of the charity women came chattering in through the open doors to the terrace .
12 She was at the top of the steps leading down to the front door of the Moebius Strip .
13 They had reached a short flight of stone steps leading down to an open door , and she had no idea of how they had arrived there .
14 ‘ I never like going in through the front door , ’ Ace said , ‘ but I guess you 're right . ’
15 He gave it a few pumps and collected an armful of logs for the stove before going in through the back door .
16 Going in by the back door
17 While still leafing through the statements he turned to Sara : ‘ We have a witness who claims to have seen you in Alexandra Road after eleven on Saturday night , and you may know that a woman was seen going in by the back door of this house at half-past . ’
18 and peering in through the front door
19 ‘ Whoever 's that ? ’ said his Mum going through to the front door .
20 The ground level appeared to be slightly higher than he remembered and there was no sign of the seven semi-circular steps leading up to the front door .
21 When he reached the steps leading up to the front door of the Guild Office , he found the place in darkness , with no sign of life .
22 The high marble steps curved upwards , paralleling the flight leading up from the front door .
23 He joined the slow column heading out of the double doors of the Kitchen .
24 But for Major 's official papers , the pantechnicon drawing up at the back door might be unnecessary .
25 The authorities warned young people about the ‘ unhealthy winds ’ blowing in through the open door , such as sexual promiscuity , pornography and prostitution , homosexuality , alcohol abuse and drugs .
26 The damp wind blowing in at the open door made him shiver and he went to wake the others .
27 I thought we were going to have a visitor coming in through the back door .
28 There was a long silence and they lay absolutely still and grew cold together in the draught coming in under the closed door .
29 The library , which had not been in use since Sir John Merchiston 's death some seven years earlier , was a very pleasant room , positioned opposite the ballroom , between Araminta 's parlour and the big saloon , with panelled walls , quantities of shelving , an ivory inlay desk , leather chairs before the fireplace , and a good deal of light , even on this overcast day , coming in from a glazed door leading out into a pretty walled garden .
30 He would look in the summer-house before coming in by the back door but he seldom found me there now .
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