Example sentences of "[to-vb] account [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This will be based upon simulations conducted using the macroeconomic model which will be modified to take account of the econometric evidence accumulated in the second part of the project .
2 ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section : ( a ) " special road " and " special road authority " have the same meanings as in the Roads ( Scotland ) Act 1984 and ( b ) " class I " means class 1 in Schedule 3 to the Act , as varied from time to time by any order under section 8 of that Act , but , if that Schedule is amended by such an order so as to add to it a further class of traffic , the order may adapt the reference in this section to traffic of class 1 so as to take account of the additional class .
3 In retrospect , it can be seen that NORP was a poorly planned venture which failed to take account of the poor infrastructure of Bangladesh and the vastness of the problem that it was meant to tackle .
4 This means that it is important in analysing unemployment to take account of the average duration of unemployment spells , as well as the total number unemployed .
5 We er we 've tried to er to meet the the the County Council 's requirements , we 've scaled down our original er provision of erm employment land to take account of the emerging structure plan thinking .
6 This manual replaces R645/59 — Issue 1 , and has been updated to take account of the revised User Interface for LIFESPAN .
7 avoid the practice of giving gifts or commercial incentives to prospective pupils or their parents with the intention of inducing them to enrol and to take account of the possible damage to pupils in other educational establishments as a result of marketing activities .
8 While the original purchase price was £28.8 million , the property had already been written down in the balance sheet to take account of the general fall in values .
9 The gain is measured as the market price minus the price at which it was bought , indexed to take account of the general price increase in the period .
10 The next step is to take account of the increased size of population because , although real national income has risen , it has to be shared out among more people .
11 Eighteen extra seats have therefore been allocated to Germany to take account of the increased electric there .
12 Our reappraisal of Britain 's defence needs will result in a major restructuring of our Armed Forces to take account of the changing world situation .
13 BARB 's product has recently been upgraded to take account of the changing marketplace and the increasing use of computers by agency media departments .
14 ‘ Neither publisher had film rights in their titles ; both had television rights ; Heinemann had merchandising rights , which are important in children 's titles , whereas Hutchinson did n't ; and it was a moot point whether either of them had video or audio cassette rights , since the original book was published in 1979 , and the form of the publishing agreement had not been changed to take account of the new technology . ’
15 Cold-weather payments would also be adjusted to take account of the new fuel bills .
16 A while ago I considered changing my snookering nickname ( which I am at complete liberty to do , because I 'm the only one who uses it ) , to take account of the New Weather : global warming , and so on .
17 The alignment of the station does not have to change at all to take account of the new east route into London in favour of which my right hon. and learned Friend has declared himself .
18 A good deal of money has been made tarting up riverside and bank top pubs to take account of the new ambiance and to cater to the non-industrial affluent .
19 the governing body , together with the headteacher , to develop and carry out a … plan for their school … to take account of the full range of their responsibilities … set out in the Act .
20 What it will say is that the chemistry can be modified to take account of the particular mineral and its final base .
21 However an increase is needed to take account of the growing number of elderly ( heavy users of the NHS ) and developments in health care technology , and increased spending has been more modest in some parts of the service , notably hospitals .
22 In more recent times this theory ( which has been the orthodoxy of post-war European Communist parties and Stalinist accounts of modern capitalism ) has been further refined to take account of the ever-increasing directive interventions of the state into the private economy , on top of earlier moves to provide social welfare concessions .
23 Therefore many traditional notions about rural decline have to be modified to take account of the remarkable turn-around in demographic trends .
24 Furthermore , the amount of any distribution received on such ordinary shares which will be treated as an income distribution rather than a return of capital will be increased to take account of the deferred repayment of premium accrued at the date of conversion ( see s210 TA 1988 ) .
25 Again we have to take account of the flexible character of the argument of this thesis .
26 Though some of the original contributions by Sir George Grove [ q.v. ] were still retained , Blom was able to take account of the huge expansion of musical scholarship and history that had occurred during the preceding quarter of a century .
27 If it were not permissible to take account of the Parliamentary history of the relevant legislation and of ministerial statements of its intended effect , I should remain of that opinion . ’
28 If it were not permissible to take account of the Parliamentary history of the relevant legislation and of ministerial statements of its intended effect , I should remain of that opinion .
29 Creating this stable biolayer requires immobilisation methods , similar to those used in chemical polymerisation , the difference being the need to take account of the intrinsic lability of biomolecules .
30 The meeting , called by Libya , was also attended by the secretary-general of the Arab League , Esmat Abdel Meguid , who told reporters later : ‘ We call on the three Western countries — the US , Britain and France — to take account of the Libyan willingness to find a solution and avoid escalation of the crisis . ’
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