Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The proposal on the Fifth Directive concerning the structure of public limited companies is based on Article 54 ( right for natural and legal persons to establish themselves freely in the Community ) .
2 Some lyricists manage to keep themselves apart from the song , suggesting things instead of making them obvious , and that approach is maybe better because the listeners have to use their imagination …
3 And United continued to haul themselves away from the basement with a two one win .
4 The archosaurs , however , gradually began to raise themselves permanently off the ground .
5 The flames which belched from every opening caused the two struggling men to fling themselves flat on the ground to escape their scorching blast .
6 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
7 Thus are we victims of various sorts of obsession when certain parts of ourselves seek to preserve themselves even at the expense of the whole personality .
8 L et 's be honest , the only thing wrong with laces is they 're a pain to do up every time and they sometimes seem to untie themselves mysteriously in the middle of a run .
9 Attitudes toward science — also treated elsewhere in the same issue — and the apparently instinctive antipathy toward new ideas that do not fit readily into one 's established mental framework , continue to manifest themselves even in the context of the current technological age .
10 They were … sort of … writhing around … struggling … trying to push themselves away from the wall .
11 More splashes followed , and when he peered cautiously around the side of the buttress he saw that the men now occupying the punt were using their hands as paddles to propel themselves away from the promontory wall .
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