Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some transracial adopters may prefer to isolate themselves from the cultural background and ethnic origin of their child because it is easier in the short run to escape conflicts .
2 ‘ The common denominator in all these children is a disability to relate themselves in the ordinary way to people and situations from the beginning of life ’ .
3 They prepared to launch themselves at the waiting cordon of brawnier , no longer jeering , senior cadets .
4 The opening in time for August Bank Holiday Monday , possibly the busiest day of the year for Darlington shops , would give businesses the chance to establish themselves before the pre-Christmas onslaught in mid October .
5 These fairly well made , attractive rugs possess an undoubted primitive charm ; but as they have yet to establish themselves in the Western market , one can do little more than make an educated guess as to their current prices and investment potential .
6 It is very encouraging to know that so many institutions are keen to establish themselves in the important area of advanced IT training and that a significant contribution to costs came from industry .
7 However for pathogens to establish themselves in the human body they must be in the right place , in sufficient numbers and be sufficiently .
8 About ten years later , although the clock said differently , she appeared , eyes trying to adjust themselves from the strong sunlight to the shady cool of the bar .
9 Women use pieces of attire … to reinscribe themselves in the patriarchal system … .
10 In other words , they have been trying to scratch themselves on the sandy bottom and get stranded by accident .
11 Once dormant , however , their metabolism slows down so much that the pineal is virtually switched off , and how they manage to rouse themselves at the correct time remains a mystery .
12 They argued , and some still do , that in order to grasp fully how social situations are created and sustained by social actors , social investigators need to immerse themselves in the social world under study .
13 Surely it is better for them to strive to be literate than to engage themselves in the fruitless task of emulating the speech of the hearing .
14 Self-help groups can be very useful and ideally every physician caring for diabetics should have access to a person skilled in helping people to rid themselves of the smoking habit .
15 The Socialists wanted to dissociate themselves with the republican government , which was losing its strength and unity .
16 Whatever else was said , it was vital for Russian socialists clearly to dissociate themselves from the Tsarist record :
17 Blocked mobility into consultant grades forced the GPs to organise themselves through the Royal College of General Practitioners .
18 There was , they believed , no reason ‘ why competent knowledge and critical skill , if encouraged to exercise themselves in the disinterested pursuit of truth , should be less fruitful in religious than in social and physical ideas ’ .
19 Unless they dared to absent themselves from the slow unfolding of the plan — would not their keen minds continue to be needed ?
20 Mourou , 42 , and his co-signatories apparently intended to disassociate themselves from the pro-Iraqi position of exiled Nahda president Rashid Ghannouchi .
21 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
22 After the Istanbul Biennale last autumn , it is the turn of the Greek art dealers to make a bid to put themselves on the international map .
23 As a result , an agreement was signed that about 50 rebel leaders could return to Nicaragua on condition that , like the returning contras , they renounced the armed struggle and illegal activities and agreed to incorporate themselves into the political system .
24 Britain may still be a country where " everything is permitted which is not specifically prohibited " , but the specific prohibitions have become more numerous , without having to justify themselves against the overriding principle of public interest suggested by the Royal Commission on the Press .
25 Visual images flashed on and off at fractions of a second to imprint themselves on the subconscious mind .
26 Cooperators can not expect to protect themselves against the threatened attack of the opposing forces without carefully preparing a united plan of campaign , in the same way that the Labour Party has mobilised its battalions …
27 At the end of the book , these opposing characters become closer and their real love for each other shows through the bitter shell that they hid under to protect themselves from the awful life they lead .
28 On the other hand , those newcomers who wish to ‘ belong ’ may try to ingratiate themselves with the local population , sometimes — because of their misconceived expectations of village life — with disappointing results .
29 But while United were now reduced to ten men during that last desperate half hour of extra time they survived magnificently to force themselves into the dramatic penalty spot finale in the rain .
30 Justifiably or not , the Soviet Union in the later Brezhnev years had provided no advertisement for socialism , and even communist parties in other countries had felt compelled to distance themselves from the Soviet model and the heritage of Leninism .
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