Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves [prep] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It accuses " particular producer groups " of " manipulating domestic environmental policies to benefit themselves at the expense of both the rest of the economy and ultimately even the environment " .
2 ‘ It takes most soaps quite a long time to establish themselves in the favour of the audience .
3 Consequently it has sometimes been difficult for the new patterns to establish themselves in the face of combined resistance from programme committees , established departments , and professional senior officers .
4 Business visitors looking for editorial staff seemed bemused to find themselves in the middle of such a busy and , it has to be said , chatty event .
5 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
6 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
7 It was , understandably , the peace which was essential information for the descendants , for it influenced their present actions to some extent ; and the solemnities were intended to impose themselves on the memory of the participants and witnesses and their children .
8 A variety of other industries were also ruined by British policy : silk goods manufacturers , for example , were compelled to restrict themselves to the production of raw silk , while gun making was seriously affected by a restrictive licensing policy and other means ( Bagchi , 1982 , p. 82 ) .
9 Such parties , as always , like to equate themselves with the sense of collective separateness , hostility to ‘ them ’ and the ‘ imagined community ’ which may be almost universally felt in their ‘ nation ’ , but they are very unlikely to be the only expression of such a national consensus .
10 The metaliterary component is not so much in the existence of characters who discourse on the state of the art , even obliquely , through the exploration of writing 's other — through non-writing or no-more-writing — as in the project of the central characters , which is an essentially dramatic one : that of trying to imagine themselves into the world of another .
11 I hope now that the privileged few are having to lower themselves to the level of State schools , there will be more pressure on the Government to put some cash into education .
12 It may be that he was one of the many unlearned priests forced to absent themselves for the sake of their own education , but his going to Chester seems to suggest rather that he was both able and ambitious in the new province .
13 He has also observed that an immediate cause of the creation of this new duty of the judges was the royal mandate which ordered the Court of Common Pleas to remain stationary at Westminster instead of perambulating the country in attendance on the King , and the subsequent disinclination of the serjeants , even if they had been sufficient in number , to absent themselves from the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster in order to attend the King 's Court during its perambulatory travels .
14 TOURING America with your home at your back is a popular option for familes and travellers on a budget who want to free themselves from the hassle of searching for somewhere to get their heads down each night .
15 I always ask shareware users to put themselves in the place of the author .
16 They can also include questions which ask pupils to put themselves in the place of some person in the past .
17 It is possible , and indeed it is the normal practice for innkeepers to insure themselves against the risk of loss or damage to guests ' property , thus limiting the likely effect of such an occurrence .
18 ’ — Whatever lies to the west , to invite the people there to submit themselves to the protection of our rule . ’
19 It is no coincidence that Rousseau also believed that women were incapable of the development and education required for citizenship and ‘ must be trained to bear the yoke from the first … and to submit themselves to the will of others . ’
20 Schools were started in the monasteries , for Charles proclaimed that ‘ Men of God should not only live by the rule and dwell in holy conversation , but should devote themselves to literary meditations , each according to his ability , that they may be able to give themselves to the duty of teaching others . ’
21 Simmel effectively extends Marx 's concept of rupture to account for the inability of modern individuals to recognize themselves in the world of goods .
22 The people of Israel are thought of as a people chosen by God who are to separate themselves from the rest of the peoples of the earth by a series of laws that distinguish the holy time ( sabbath ) from profane time , clean foods from unclean foods , clean from unclean bodily states and holy from unholy places .
23 The Tsars , the Habsburgs and the Ottomans sought to rationalize and industrialize their ramshackle empires in order to protect themselves against the expansionism of the modern West European State .
24 Bulimia does not mean " to force vomit " , Some compulsive overeaters ( all of whom could be termed sufferers from bulimia ) use enforced vomiting further to control their emotional feelings and also to protect themselves against the consequence of obesity — but not all do so .
25 Only people who could rely on an extended family network could hope to have the friends and connections necessary to protect themselves from the avarice of the sultan 's lesser officials .
26 In any event most sellers prefer , as a commercial issue , not to discuss such questions with their buyers , and , instead to protect themselves by the use of appropriate credit vetting procedures , or else , where possible , by requiring payment upon delivery , or even in advance of delivery .
27 At present it is difficult for users of league tables to satisfy themselves of the validity of the estimates of benefit used once these estimates have been concealed in a league table .
28 For these are hyper-competitive athletes , all ex-pro American footballers or wrestlers , and not afraid to punish themselves in the cause of being The Best .
29 It would be unfair to say that the landscape was featureless geology has provided some outstanding , literally outstanding , items of topography , yet they are far flung and , in general , the landscape components are not keen to assemble themselves into the kind of artistic compositions we have grown used to .
30 Nedham and Bowes were further required to acquaint themselves with the costing of the roasting and smelting .
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