Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves [prep] the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Breeders often release the owls too old , without giving them time to establish themselves in the release area .
2 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
3 About 150 of those North European settlers chose to barricade themselves inside the Alamo Mission , turn it into a fortress , and to defy Santa Anna 's army of around 5,000 .
4 Men , he said , used to approach the nest 60 yards down on a rope , and holding a piked stick in one hand to protect themselves from the parent birds ’ attacks , with the other hand seize the eggs or chicks , the latter was a valued object and the former they could sell for 5/ each .
5 There is however now some evidence that Select Committees would like to interest themselves in the Committee system and may be seeking to erode the present convention .
6 Admittedly , after the initial euphoria following the passing of the 1885 act , some like Butler began to distance themselves from the purity movement .
7 All its problems arise directly from the political situation from which it springs , from the urgent need felt by the Government to distance themselves from the poll tax and the equal need to placate those internal supporters of the poll tax who will choke over any support for a property tax .
8 Its greatest drawback is that it requires human beings to adapt themselves to the production process , and in most Western countries , there has been a reaction against this requirement .
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