Example sentences of "[to-vb] about a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Any attempt by the administration to bring about a comprehensive lifting of sanctions before all US conditions were met had long been expected to meet strong opposition in Congress .
2 The EEC structure was designed therefore to bring about a closer collaboration between the Commission and Council .
3 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
4 At the end of the day the whole community has to know what this is all about , but let me stress , there is no threat in this process that is being proposed , to bring about a total cessation of violence , there is no threat to any section of our community , none what so ever .
5 Will he also tell him that the first priority must be to reform the common agricultural policy , to remove the losses from fraud which occur within that policy and , especially , to bring about a successful conclusion to the GATT negotiations ?
6 Ever since 1914 , when the great majority of the leaders of social democratic parties in Europe supported the war effort of their own nation states — under a variety of influences , one of which was undoubtedly the nationalist fervour of the peoples involved — the capacity of the socialist movement to bring about a new kind of political relationship among the peoples of the world has seemed more questionable ; and the doubts have multiplied not only as a result of the course taken by the revolution in Russia , culminating in the project of building ‘ socialism in one country ’ , which eventually led to the identification of socialism with the national interests of the Soviet Union , but also in the light of the actual relations that developed between the communist countries in the postwar period .
7 A lawyer might be encouraged to work for , say , professional arrangements which opened up the profession 's services to the general public ; or a chemist might seek to reduce the impact of the chemical industry on the environment ; or a doctor might act to bring about a new balance between preventive and restorative medicine , as practised by the profession .
8 If there was any substance in the argument that high quantity was necessary to bring about a certain level of quality , this retrenchment would have been disastrous .
9 This has in fact occurred in the advanced capitalist countries , and one main consequence has been to limit industrial conflict primarily to economic issues , as against larger issues of the control of the enterprise , and to bring about a substantial degree of integration of workers into the existing mode of production .
10 The Council referred to the need , in the context of European integration , to " give equal weight to social aspects and to economic aspects " in order to bring about a genuine improvement in employment and in living and working conditions .
11 On receiving a petition it is the function of the Commission to ascertain the facts and seek to bring about a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for the human rights set out in the Convention ( Art.28 ) .
12 Management consultancy Kinsley Lord , which has made a study of empowerment , recognises that a major effort is required to bring about a fundamental change of attitude .
13 They helped to bring about a severe crisis of authority at the end of Alexander 's reign , they laid the foundations for the major radical parties of the twentieth century , including the Bolshevik Party , and they provided the country 's leadership in the early Soviet period .
14 When Settis takes up his appointment in January 1994 , his main task will be to bring about a productive collaboration between the Getty Museum and the Getty Center , which , because of Forster 's dislike of object-based studies , have become almost estranged .
15 How do we attempt to bring about a generic capacity for change amongst staff ?
16 However , the success of Houston and the failure of Wegg Prosser , coupled with the emergence of East End populist orators like E.G. ‘ Mick ’ Clarke , combined with increased hostility by militant working-class and Jewish elements to bring about a rapid reversal of policy .
17 A transitional season designed to bring about a 10-10-18 system in the 1994/95 season is accepted as being necessary .
18 All of these factors taken together helped to bring about a national sense of economic and political malaise .
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