Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sociobiologists are liable to find themselves in confrontation with the cultural and social anthropologists because they are specially concerned with interactions ( especially mating behaviour ) between individual animals which are closely related biologically .
2 People who skip breakfast work less efficiently than people who have taken the trouble to provide themselves with fuel for the morning .
3 By the following year , as a result of mortgage and foreclosures , the manifest favouritism shown to French squatters and the pressures of population , peasants in Tonkin were having to feed themselves on average from the product of just over one-third of an acre of padi per head : in some localities barely a fifth .
4 Seventy-one tickets were sold to outsiders and ‘ the children seemed to enjoy themselves in spite of the heavy rain ’ .
5 Throughout October high-caste youths continued to kill themselves in protest at the government 's plan .
6 As the jet continued its descent they began to muffle themselves in fur against the subzero temperature on the snow- and ice-covered ground .
7 The number of second homes in existence is surprisingly uncertain , partly because of problems of definition and partly owing to a reticence on the part of owners to advertise themselves in view of the possible local opposition .
8 Since CNAA reports were always likely to reach a wide readership they ‘ must be based on conclusive evidence and should not identify individuals for serious criticism in a manner which can not allow them to defend themselves in accordance with the established rule of law ’ .
9 Archbishop Aethelheard was at Rome seeking to secure the person of Odberht/Eadberht to answer charges brought against him by Offa , but Charlemagne had also sent Eadberht and others , who were in fear of death from Offa and had sought his protection , to Rome to defend themselves in person before the pope .
10 This provides the timetable for the meeting and allows members of the committee to prepare themselves in advance for the discussions that will take place .
11 Traditionally Convocation had met whenever Parliament assembled , but the institution had been largely dormant after 1664 , when the clergy relinquished their right to tax themselves in return for the vote in Parliamentary elections , and had met only once since then , namely in 1689 .
12 Blacks continued to involve themselves in boxing after the war though it was not until 1970 that a black boxer emulated the Turpins in winning a British title : Jamaican-born Bunny Sterling became the first immigrant boxer ever to win a British title when he beat Mark Rowe at Wembley .
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