Example sentences of "[to-vb] its position [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The duty of this Committee is confined to considering " the position of English " in our whole educational system , which of course includes , and in our reference expressly stated to include its position at the Universities .
2 Meanwhile , the Czechoslovak government has allocated a budget to promote its position on the dam abroad .
3 Presumably each side would want to state its position about the quality/condition of the sample and the evidence would presumably be about other samples said to be of various qualities or conditions .
4 In order to give the House of Lords a more effective role in the governmental process ( and in order to buttress its position against the threat of abolition ) there is the recognition that it needs to secure increased public support , and in order to secure that there has been the dawning realisation that changes are needed in the composition of the second chamber .
5 The Gulf crisis illustrated the continuing implacable hostility between Cuba and the USA , as the former attempted to use its position on the UN Security Council to impede the US-led campaign against Iraq [ see pp. 37695 ; 37870 ] .
6 The empty chambers are usually supposed to have been filled with gas , which help to give the animal buoyancy , and via the siphuncle the animal can vary its buoyancy to control its position in the water column .
7 As I have already said , our first priority will be to maintain the external value of the currency — that is , to maintain its position in the exchange rate mechanism .
8 Even such a perfect match would count for little if the fish had to wave its fins in order to maintain its position in the water , or if it were to move independently from the weed .
9 When there is general agreement that a subject is relevant it appears that no justification is required to maintain its position in the school curriculum .
10 Must the existence of God be probable , or can theism seek to defend its position against the improbability of God 's existence ?
11 In May 1937 street fighting had broken out in Barcelona and was used as an excuse for outlawing the " Trotskyist " POUM , not in fact Trotskyist but a breakaway from the Spanish Communist Party in close touch with the British ILP.6 By 1938 the Communist Party had so entrenched itself through the use of Soviet aid and advisers that it was able to force the resignation of Prime Minister Prieto and to improve its position in the Cabinet .
12 At the conference in Ottawa the Soviet government appeared to soften its position on the question of a united Germany 's military alignment .
13 Jordan hoped to recover its position on the West Bank , paying subsidies for loyalty and continuing functional co-operation with Israel , as if the growth of political awareness in the area could not only be contained but diminished .
14 ( At this time the EC was attempting to co-ordinate its position on the recognition of Croatia and Slovenia — see p. 38685 — and on Dec. 9 more than 10,000 people , primarily of Croat origin , held a rally in a Maastricht stadium calling on EC leaders to recognize Croatia . )
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