Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [adj] terms the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is essential when planning for negotiations to define in broad terms the stances that will be adopted .
2 However , given the importance of receiving the information required under the section 39 notice to the Bank 's supervision of the defendant and in order to support the [ defendants ' ] application , I am able to state in broad terms the grounds of the investigation and the reasons for the Bank 's supervisory concern .
3 In the case of the Hundred Years War , the causes of the conflict were to be found both in the long historic links between England and France , links which were gradually becoming weaker , and in the need to express in new terms the relationship between the two countries ( arguably the two most powerful in western society in the late Middle Ages ) taking into account elements such as national consciousness and diverging methods of government ( to name but two ) which historians recognise as being characteristic of late medieval European society as a whole .
4 Whilst this may look like easy fun for those who did not have to cope with the impossible timetables and endless pressures , the reason for criticism is not to deride the working groups but to understand in concrete terms the limitations of the system now in operation .
5 Chapter 4 extended the analysis to consider in economic terms the position of the ‘ personal sector ’ wage and salary-earning employees , and the effects of the saving of this sector on accumulation — the expansion of the salaried strata in particular being , at least in part , the obverse of the rise of the impersonal capital .
6 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a member state prohibits retail premises from being open on Sunday for the sale of goods to customers , save in respect of certain specified items sales of which are permitted , and where the effect of the prohibition is to reduce in absolute terms the sales of goods in those premises including goods manufactured in other member states , and correspondingly to reduce the volume of imports of goods from other member states , is such a prohibition a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction on imports within the meaning of article 30 of the Treaty ?
7 He was able to convey in grotesque terms the characters of George III and his family .
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