Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] the right [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder just how easy this is when so many record companies are spreading their nets far and wide to find just the right location for an increasingly varied range of repertoire commitments .
2 This is usually a very pleasant and reassuring interview for a worried old person , who can be helped to feel that much of the anxiety about her heavy housework is going to be taken off her hands ; and the supervisor then tries , as far as possible , to choose just the right member of her staff to suit the needs of the applicant .
3 It takes a stylist 's skill to choose exactly the right combination for you , and to advise you on maintaining the treatment between visits .
4 Oh , you might be careful to plumb that machine in correctly , to use only the right powder in the right quantity , never to overload it and to have it serviced regularly .
5 With nothing more than a saw , pocket knife and file he resolved how to let just the right amount of ink out and air in , and made a fountain pen to his own design .
6 Vologsky kept his face grave , but the surging relief inside him made it impossible to inject quite the right note of abject apology into his voice .
7 It was evidence of Karajan 's genius or magic or whatever we care to call it that he took enormous pains with these simple chords in order to get just the right degree of string tone with an appropriately dark colour .
8 Yet moderate Republicanism. differing from Democratic policies in emphasis rather than in real substance , appeared to strike exactly the right note with the electorate .
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