Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] details [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not our purpose here , however , to re-examine the details of the success or otherwise of the FFYP as a whole .
2 The Assisted Places Scheme was created , whereby pupils can be transferred from maintained to particular independent schools , with the government p paying part or all of the tuition fees ; the Secretary of State was authorised to establish the details of the scheme by issuing regulations .
3 After this , a CAA Surveyor was to be asked to inspect the modifications to determine whether the CAA would categorise them as Minor or a Major Modifications and to establish the details of the flight testing required .
4 Preparations are in hand to communicate to staff the details of the Government 's Review of the nuclear industry , of which terms of reference are now expected at the end of September .
5 And we can now answer that question in general terms , even without being able to comprehend the details of the complexity itself .
6 But if there is a clear road to the appointment of a suitable expert , it should be safe to leave the details of the procedure to be settled after his appointment .
7 Each time a flow changes as a result of an instability , one 's ability to predict the details of the motion is reduced .
8 In February 1173 he met Humbert at Montferrat in the Auvergne to finalize the details of the betrothal .
9 We are obliged to send the details to the Crown Prosecution Service , and in six months ’ time we shall know whether we can prosecute .
10 It was possible , for instance , to investigate the details of the moon 's orbit , taking into account its finite size , the spin of the earth , the wobble of the earth upon its axis , and so on .
11 Of course , before Adler 's theory can be rejected on these grounds , it would be necessary to investigate the details of the theory rather than a caricature .
12 Clearly , you will not be able to insert the details of the title , but the address of the property , the date , the consideration , the parties and any special provisions as mentioned above can be included in exactly the same way as if the land were registered .
13 A wide variety of artforms is covered by copyright legislation and , particularly with some of the craft disciplines , it is as well to check the details of the Act of see precisely how your work is classified and covered .
14 To this we need to add the details of the behaviour of the organisation that created the resource .
15 Mr Alan Barton , director of finance for Northallerton health authority , said he would expect to get the details of the award next week .
16 There 's been so much on this week I just have n't had time to get the details of the contract finalised . ’
17 The only way I can think of , or I think as far as anyone else can think of , deciding whether it has in fact been important in speciation , is to look for pairs of closely related species which differ in some striking morphological trait , but are still sufficiently similar genetically for you to be able to carry out a genetic analysis , i.e. to cross them , to get offspring , to get F two 's and it 's then possible , it 's obviously not — I 'm not going to explain the details of the technique to you now — but it 's possible to work out whether the difference is due largely , or in part , to some single large gene , or whether it 's on the whole due to quite a lot of small ones .
18 The difficulty with writing it down was that it became real to the extent of being in a book , there were two lives , the one in the book and the one which he lived to collect the details for the book one ; he could go further in his head than on the page , the words slowed him down .
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