Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] to [art] real [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I fingered heavy silver and amber necklaces with starting prices of £200 but I did not have the patience or the energy to haggle down to the real price .
2 After countless ages I seemed to come back to a real realisation that I was continuing to breathe , even if with difficulty , and did n't seem in immediate danger of stopping .
3 He told the major he feared that in retiring to the palace he was imprisoning himself and would never be able to escape back to the real world .
4 As AT&T 's Bob Kavner , soon to be USL 's erstwhile chairman , says Novell 's purchase takes the emotions out , leaving people to get on to the real issues .
5 That is to say we are , we all need renewal and new ideas , but we stick to old quarrels and re-run old battles because we do n't know how to face up to the real problems at the present , nor to find ways of working together for a worthwhile future .
6 In my own turfs we are quarrelling among ourselves with intense energy about whether women can be ordained priests , about who is more Catholic than their neighbour and about a whole host of internal issues , because we apparently have neither the grace nor the guts to face up to the real issues which are the business of the Church in the current world .
7 I know how good you are at hiding away inside it when you do n't want to face up to the real world .
8 Dorothy had already told Isobel of the conversation that afternoon , so she was prepared ; but he found it difficult to get round to the real object of the visit .
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