Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] [coord] hope for the " in BNC.

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1 When life seems strange , uncertain and frightening , the church should provide a sanctuary from which emanates understanding , support and the possibility of new attachments in all their variety and hope for the future .
2 One colour stands for Jamaica 's natural resources and sunshine , one for its agriculture and hope for the future and the last one for the nation 's past and present troubles .
3 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
4 But there was nothing for filmmakers to do but plunge on , grab every chance that came their way and hope for the best .
5 He just shut his eyes and hoped for the best .
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