Example sentences of "[num] [num] percent [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Property repossessions in the Nord Northern region up by forty seven percent in the first first six months .
2 Seventy three percent in the first trimester , in other words the first three months are male .
3 Erm and banks incidentally , your protection is seventy five percent of the first twenty thousand , er which is where that B C C I figure came from , do you remember all that thing about fifteen thousand is your return ?
4 Bankruptcies , including voluntary and er company liquidations , up by seventy five percent in the first six months of this year .
5 Now then , I 've made , oh er before I go into the capital gains , er capital allowances you can claim a proportion of the capital allowances on a reducing balance , so er if a car for example costs you five thousand pounds , you 'd actually be allowed twenty five percent in the first year , the twenty five percent would be reduced from five thousand , and in the next year you 'd get twenty five percent off your balance until the five thousand pounds had been allowed against your profits .
6 Once you 've agreed the price if that 's a thousand pound or thousand pound page then you want thirty five percent of the first year 's payment .
7 We want I want to collect mister advertiser a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment deposit cheque from you .
8 If you do n't tell them that you 'll want a deposit cheque of thirty five percent of the first year 's payment depending on what you charge them
9 You must tell them on the phone after telling them the price and what it 's all about you say , Right when I come round tomorr er whenever to er strike up the deal with you I want the contract signed I need a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment as a deposit cheque .
10 You must tell them that you want to pick up a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment .
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