Example sentences of "[vb base] ourselves [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
2 So when we have real emotions about someone , we lift ourselves from the shallow level of selfishness into the real and eternal .
3 Individually these are small matters but collectively they are important in the way we present ourselves to the outside world , or in modern jargon the way we market the profession .
4 Perhaps we should not be too surprised when we find ourselves in the new world of quality primary care .
5 And I 'd like to explain since we find ourselves in the real world , rather than fantasy land , how we 've approached the subject of client server .
6 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
7 " We have no aggressive intentions and we commit ourselves to the peaceful resolution of all disputes .
8 Then , we remind ourselves of the supreme example of Christ , who placed his trust in his father 's love and ascended the hill of Calvary for our redemption .
9 And kill them , you say , and help ourselves to the great burrow ?
10 It is at his feet that we throw ourselves like the bound figures which form the pedestal of this statue ( one captive looks upward with adoring eyes ) .
11 Let us for the time being not take a stand on this issue but address ourselves to the whole phenomenon in its strong sense .
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