Example sentences of "[vb base] to look at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now I just want to look at a simple class of demand function , right , which we could write , if I can get a pen that works we write the demand function as P equals A over Q to the beta .
2 One , we 're going to look at why well trained staff are , are so important to the C U , secondly we 're going to look at things responsibility training is and lastly we want to look at a systematic approach that you can take as training .
3 In Chapter 5 I propose to look at a different aspect of metalinguistic politics : the way in which grammarians and linguists have projected a male/ female dichotomy on to the languages of the world , and their attempts to use grammar as a tactical weapon in the battle of the sexes .
4 Cos you know to look at the bottom line of total design fees against what they would have been if we 'd gone in fixed price ?
5 Now we start to look at the same stitch types again , but this time used as a double bed knitting techniques .
6 I prefer to look at a nice fashion magazine , French Vogue or Italian Vogue .
7 look at the money for a moment because if you look , when we come to look at the financial commentary , we will be going down the erm er what we spent our training budget on
8 We put this to you as an answer to all slimmers who say they only need to look at a single cake or bar of chocolate to put on a substantial amount of fat .
9 To understand the problem we need to look at a moving object from the point of view of a single cell in the visual cortex .
10 I need to look at the real thing . ’
11 Planners need to look at the long term provision of locally based day care as well as reviewing current provision in terms of suitability , costs etc .
12 Erm and you need to look at the big picture .
13 We shall be coming back in this chapter and the next to the problems that occur when choice is based on too much of ‘ I love me ’ and ‘ I love the me in you ’ , but first we need to look at the basic capacity to realize some love for another , with its mix of self-regard and altruism .
14 We are having , we , we are at the moment reviewing all our traffic calming er requests because there are a whole load of them and in fact some of them we 've not been able to proceed as quickly as others so we , we need to look at the whole thing
15 I have to look at an intelligent face .
16 I think we really have to look at the Dutch experience and
17 Now we have to look at the real cost of motoring .
18 We can cut money off , let's make some easy quick decisions about cutting money off , let's chop out the arts you could do that on one line easily and I think you have to look at the long term you have to look at what happens in terms of our culture , our civilization if you do do that , how people change and to me it 's about and that was raised last night too about how an saying that they had put a limit on the cost of opera tickets forty pounds , compared
19 If you have played DEFECT ( this means we have to look at the right hand column ) , the best card I could have played would have been DEFECT too .
20 You have to look at the whole team for that .
21 ( 8 ) The more female ducks the males have to look at the more time they spend looking at them .
22 But we have to look at the larger picture , and welcome here the fact that the jurors of Ventura County did not disguise their true feelings or their forthright acknowledgement of the realities of law enforcement against African-Americans in 1992 .
23 perhaps we have to look at the societal thing in that there 's something very macho seen as macho about football in Scotland which is stand on the terraces with a short sleeve shirt in zero degrees and having someone urinate down your leg and
24 The seventy two million erm for this Committee is the labour that would involve roughly er nett savings of about one million er pounds because we and no doubt all the routes of course have to look at the social budget and where their priorities are and in order for us to er do other things perhaps indication in relation to and also will provide primary school er budgets .
25 Like all these things you have to look at the bright side .
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