Example sentences of "[vb base] to get [art] [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 By comparing objects in museums with those mentioned in inventories or seen in old drawings and photographs , we expect to get a fuller picture of domestic life in Scotland than we can find in any one source alone .
2 Twins with both DR3 and DR4 antigens appear to get a double dose of susceptibility to diabetes .
3 IF you want to get a bird's-eye view of London , try Canary Wharf .
4 I want some Diet Coke , I want to get a massive thing of Diet Coke .
5 " Hazel , " said Fiver suddenly , " I want to get a clear idea of this Silverweed , but I dare n't go closer by myself .
6 I want to get the right sort of thing for you .
7 See I want to get the same sort of material though as what the other liners , I want to stick the two liners together to make all one great big pond you see right the way across the garden but the other pond might be about two foot deep , this one 's gon na go down
8 In a few weeks time , I hope to get a short spell of leave , and I mean to devote it exclusively to literary work .
9 Once you begin to get a clear picture of what you would like , you then need to ‘ place ’ that image inside your unconscious .
10 I seem to get an awful lot of shitty pants — they 're both [ carer 's father and his brother , who live together ] incontinent in their own way …
11 I seem to get an awful lot of , it 's like
12 We always seem to get the wrong sort of weather in
13 If you er , send one in , to get it mentioned on the day , well we certainly do our best , er , sometimes , er , the er , anniversaries and the birthdays , not very often , are crowded out by er , any news stories that we may have to bring you , became first and foremost this is a news programme , er reflecting the stories of the day , but generally speaking we manage to get a full list of your dedications in .
14 In the end I decide to get a big cup of coffee and a jam doughnut .
15 Try to get a small amount of airbrake on and keep the glider off the ground as long as you can , even if it floats a long way into the airfield .
16 ‘ The idea is to make it easier and try to get a good picture of how they feel about their own health .
17 No , I have to get a terrible picture of cows up close , huge huge and , and .
18 A bit complicated : you have to get a hard core of guests and relatives over to the Register Office first ; then rendezvous at the church ; then get back to the drink-up .
19 I appreciate that the television companies have to get the best shots of the game or we 'd complain about that , but I think they should bear in mind those people who have paid to see the game and , in some cases like mine , travelled a long way to see the match .
20 He acknowledges that ‘ to make it fly , we have to get the next generation of telephones sorted out ’ and says that the European Telecommunications Standards Institution is working on the standard telephonic layouts , displays and icon conventions needed to ensure that users wo n't be too bewildered by the options offered by their neighbour 's phone .
21 Despite subtitles which obviously struggle to get the profane poetry of Tarantino 's script , the film goes down a storm with the festival audience , though the torture does send some people scurrying for the door , among them one Wes Craven , director of the first Elm Street movie and much else .
22 Need to get a whole batch of these ti
23 we need to get a whole batch of these tiles get them all sorted out .
24 Erm , no we need , we need to get a whole load of ne er tiles cos the whole club wants re-tiling , not re-tiling but there 's a whole area , areas and that .
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