Example sentences of "[vb base] at least a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After incubation and the exertions of tending their young , adults require the rest of the summer to regain condition and undergo at least a partial moult , then to fatten again for their journey back to the wintering grounds .
2 Institutions established outside the normal administrative structures having broad responsibilities for regional or area development provide at least a theoretical framework able to ensure a degree of coordination between sectoral government agencies .
3 They want at least a five-year transition period before Europe 's exchange rates are locked for good .
4 And I now know at least a few words in Greek , Italian and Portuguese ! ’
5 Concern for the loss of such an important economic resource led to research on population dynamics and resulted in close seasons for hunting , even though all the Canadian provinces and 47 of the United States still allow at least a limited harvest of wild mink .
6 Any one of these drawbacks would , on its own , constitute at least a serious irritation , but a combination of all of them , compounded in so many cases by material poverty , becomes well-nigh intolerable .
7 The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland , formed at the time of the abolition of the Stormont parliament , represents those catholics , protestants , and others who disavow the twin alliance of Ireland but retain at least a practical attitude on sovereignty .
8 Although this second method is the more complicated to administer and requires that we have at least a rough idea of the size of the primary sampling units , it has some advantages that become obvious when we recall that several primaries are generally sampled :
9 I believe , however , that when it is felt almost unanimously in the House of Commons that something should be done — on a ’ no-line Whip ’ — Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer questions properly .
10 So we find , by the end of the fourteenth century , that persons are directing petitions to the Chancellor , claiming that they have at least a moral right to the benefit of these uses , and begging him to give them help against the legal owner who is setting up his Common Law rights against them .
11 Let us suppose that you have at least a hazy image of your Dreams — your personal and global visions of how life might be .
12 Individually , we probably all — even if we are not involved in advertising — have at least a small number of slogans or even whole ads which we remember readily , and sometimes even with affection , from a long time back .
13 All three are equally correct for each of the knitters , but what is important is that we as knitters have at least a basic understanding of all pattern writing methods , so that we can use all patterns , in whatever form they are presented to us .
14 It is strongly advisable that , before you start to give directions , you have at least a few lessons from a trained Alexander teacher to make sure you are on the right track .
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