Example sentences of "[vb past] failed [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Curiously , Branson did not dislike McLaren — Malcolm 's transparently roguish charm made him hard to dislike — but he had never trusted him from the day they had first shaken hands in Leslie Hill 's office and McLaren had failed to arrive at the Virgin offices ; failed to keep his promise .
2 The Jakarta meeting came to an end early on March 1 , after the four Khmer factions had failed to agree on the wording of a final statement .
3 The official explanation was that the five had failed to agree on the definition of West Germany 's territory , particularly in the light of the opening of East Germany 's borders on Nov. 9 ( see p. 37025 ) .
4 He expressed dismay at the fact that the State President had failed to respond to the list of demands — mostly aimed at curtailing township violence — that the ANC had said should be sufficiently met before it returned to the negotiating table [ see p. 38948 ] .
5 The conviction was reversed because the magistrate had failed to mention on the charge sheet that the alleged offence had taken place without such lawful authority .
6 Flavia was thinking of her essay with a pang , and of the prep she had failed to do in the morning , the morning — could it be ? — of this same unending day .
7 Prices were down by around 50% by comparison to two years ago in the hope of moving stock : Willy d'Huysser from Belgium , for example , with a very fine choice of works , offered a Jannis Kounellis sculpture of 1976 for FFr850,000 which he had failed to sell at the Salon de Mars in Paris last year for FFr1.2 million .
8 If Erika Payers had failed to get to the church ( registry office , actually ) on time , it would have been entirely in keeping with her costume .
9 Subsequently the contemnor complained to the local authority that they had not served the committal order on him personally and had failed to comply with the instruction issued by the Clerk of the Rules , that ‘ in all cases the applicant 's solicitors are responsible for serving the committal order ’ and that in consequence the order should be set aside .
10 The justices made a rule which directed that every person intending to oppose the confirmation of a new licence should , within seven days after the grant of the licence , give notice of his intention to the applicant and to the clerk of the peace , and that no person who had failed to comply with the rule might appear to oppose confirmation .
11 On Sept. 17 President Babangida of Nigeria called for the imposition of sanctions against Liberian parties which had failed to comply with the Yamoussoukro lV peace agreement [ see p. 38993 ] .
12 Bill concealed his disappointment that the man had failed to comment on the appearance of the pride of the yard .
13 However , the Japanese Energy Agency later admitted that an emergency pressure release valve had failed to work during the shutdown process , forcing technicians to use a back-up water sprinkler system .
14 By the end of January Mann 's own position within the Akali Dal seemed under threat from those of his supporters unhappy with his policy of talking to the government about autonomy , as well as from the militant groups such as the AISSF whom he had failed to convince of the need to abandon the concept of a full independent state .
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