Example sentences of "[vb past] themselves [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
2 The crucial power was torn from the hands of the proletariat , and within months the Bolsheviks found themselves on the other side of the barricades .
3 Legal aid was provided for more than 337,000 people last year , including many who found themselves on the receiving end of a court action .
4 Black people found themselves on the receiving end of racism in all manner of forms from the beginning of their arrival in Britain .
5 Willpower often works — although it did not for Bailey McMahon , who found themselves on the receiving end of action by the Irish authorities .
6 Other artisan groups also from time to time found themselves on the receiving end of employer " impositions " .
7 The enthusiastic ones included Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia which , a mere 18 years later , found themselves on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain to be eligible for membership . )
8 Moreover , at this time , the boundary between the two parts of Britain was drawn southwards so that formerly prosperous parts of the Midlands , particularly the West Midlands conurbation , found themselves on the wrong side of the line for the first time ( Townsend , 1983 ; Green , 1986 ) .
9 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
10 And it was here , after the house-warming party which began with hours of few arrivals and long silences , that she and Hugh had finished what was left of the Carafino and found themselves in the narrow bed in the basement where this dramatically argumentative child had been conceived .
11 When Adenauer took over domestic administration from the occupying forces in 1949 , an estimated seven million of those found themselves in the new Republic .
12 Yet another court case would loom from this situation although , for once , it was The Smiths who found themselves in the receiving end .
13 In 1990 , they found themselves in the bizarre situation of being unseeded at Wimbledon , where they had won the title five times .
14 Into the nineteenth century , as I have mentioned , I middle-class houses were regarded as a scaling down of the houses of the great , while a majority of novels still referred themselves to the dominant mansion at their centre .
15 Neither party involved themselves in the messy business of seeking votes in the province , democracy was n't mentioned .
16 Ahead of us the tall pines that stretch out across the frozen plain of Estonia distinguished themselves from the snow-coated sky and earth .
17 As the Dwarfs steeled themselves for the inevitable assault , there was a loud explosion and the gateway burst apart in a cloud of dust .
18 Much of it was erected by small speculators with limited means , who came themselves from the working class .
19 The Mensheviks threw themselves into the working-class trade unions and other organizations which sprang up , seeking the fusion of the Party and the rank-and-file proletariat .
20 Why the Romans threw themselves into the difficult business of absorbing the culture of one foreign nation just when they were involved in exhausting wars with another foreign nation , remains one of those puzzles which characterize nations in their most inscrutable and decisive hours .
21 As Middlemass ( 1979 , p. 445 ) puts it : ‘ As in 1944–45 , employers and managers in a sense detached themselves from the dangerous appeal to the nation , over the heads of the nine million voters who were also affiliated to the TUC ’ .
22 The effects showed themselves in the occupational culture of the force , in senses of threat and danger among members , and in a range of low-key security duties which merged with routine police work .
23 The New Party made some members when they started , but when they turned themselves into the Fascist Party er they they rid of themselves of many of these er New Party peop , was in the New Party you know .
24 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
25 Gorbachev had made an official visit to India in November 1986 , concluding with the signature of a ‘ Delhi Declaration ’ in which both sides pledged themselves to the peaceful resolution of international disputes .
26 On shore , police and customs investigation officers deployed themselves along the Cornish coast between Looe and Polperro .
27 His own research on female undergraduate students of physics provides further support for this conclusion ; many of them explicitly dissociated themselves from the male physics students and their ambitions .
28 ( Cohen also refers , for instance , to white youth who supported overtly racist immigration policies but dissociated themselves from the National Front ; see also the research on white youth reported in Coffield et al. ,
29 By way of illustration , let us take an example from the development of Newton 's theory that we have considered several times before , and consider the situation that confronted Leverrier and Adams when they addressed themselves to the troublesome orbit of the planet Uranus .
30 The short answer to this submission is that at the outset the Board of Review , in stating the issue for their decision , addressed themselves to the wrong question and in their consideration of the facts failed to apply the principles of law stated by Atkin L.J .
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