Example sentences of "[vb past] itself [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He [ Chang ] said that the fact Korea found itself on the other side of that line as defined in Acheson 's address , combined with the House action yesterday , appeared to raise the serious question as to whether the United States might now be considered as having abandoned Korea .
2 The severe straits in which the Treasury found itself after the Crimean War made it seem quite impractical to seek a solution which involved increasing the duties of officialdom .
3 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
4 The accent then moved itself onto the first syllable ( ‘ ga rrage ’ ) , and now the pronunciation is sometimes changed to ‘ garridge ’ .
5 She felt as fragile and foolish as a moth that beat itself against the hot glass of an electric bulb until it fell burned and spent , in its desperate doomed quest for the light .
6 Despite this bitter tragedy the town again rallied itself to the Yorkist cause when in 1470 they assisted King Edward IV in dispelling a Lancastrian uprising at the battle of Loosecoat Field .
7 It ricocheted off a bulkhead , impossibly loud in the confined space , and buried itself in the fleshy part of Terhune 's thigh .
8 January 1945 , by which time the Russians had established , and officially recognised the Union of Polish Patriots , ( later called the Lubin Committee ) and it proclaimed itself as the provisional government of Poland , a procedure which did not please the British , Americans , or the London Poles .
9 By converting land into pasture for several years , the land has a chance to recover and rid itself of the heavy level of chemicals in its soil .
10 The truth is that the social sciences reflected the pre-conceptions and problems of bourgeois liberalism in its classic form , which was not found in Germany , where bourgeois society inserted itself into the Bismarckian framework of aristocrats and bureaucrats .
11 It manifested itself in the small hours at such an advanced stage that no cure save amputation of the head could bring relief .
12 A final essential advantage for the party manifested itself in the general election campaign , when Attlee , for so long the ‘ unknown Opposition Leader ’ , came to notice as a sober and responsible figure apparently capable of assuming the reins of government .
13 This manifested itself in the falling returns in grain collections for provisioning the towns and the Red Army .
14 What they may not have realised is that that message conveyed itself to the American public !
15 Dope was n't , but the drug legal advice service ‘ Release ’ which concerned itself with the increasing number of busts — and junkies — began operating in West London .
16 For example , in Lonrho/House of Fraser ( 1979 ) , it concerned itself with the managerial capacity of a particular individual .
17 Four of these were members of the networks under observation , but lived in neighbouring townships and so were excluded from the quantitative analysis which concerned itself with the known-unknown ratio in specific townships .
18 Whereas the nineteenth-century state concerned itself with the common affairs of all capital owners , the growth of giant industrial corporations and of large financial combines has now led to the almost complete exclusion of other capitalist fractions from influence over the state .
19 After the defection of members like John Strachey and Harold Nicolson , Mosley 's movement relaunched itself as the British Union of Fascists on I October 1932 .
20 There was a restlessness in the time that communicated itself everywhere and to everyone , that communicated itself to the very sounds in Britain 's air , the stones beneath Britain 's feet .
21 This was not common practice but it reached its apotheosis in the 1945 general election when the Observer completely detached itself from the political parties and carried articles by representatives of each of the main parties .
22 The black construct before her split , spun into a thin loop , fleshed into a globe , flipped inside out to reveal a hovering pink mass , which detached itself from the main bulk and drifted some distance away .
23 At its 19th congress on Oct. 23-27 the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions ( AUCCTU ) reconstituted itself as the General Confederation of USSR Trade Unions .
24 CMEAD widened its membership and subsequently reconstituted itself as the National Forum for Management Education and Development ( NFMEAD ) .
25 We merely became accustomed to the general life of the common birds and animals , and to the appearances of trees and clouds and everything upon the surface that showed itself to the naked eye ’ .
26 The conflict between the courts and trade unions showed itself in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth as an expression of class conflict .
27 Emilia 's subsequent ill-temper spent itself on the domestic staff , and she interpreted his own efforts to placate the ruffled servants as treachery .
28 The existence of Dolphin Square , easily the largest erection of its kind in Europe , owed itself to the general run-down of the British Army since the end of the war .
29 It was through such ascendancy that ‘ the power of the uncles , ’ from which Leonard appears to have suffered somewhat in adolescence , obtruded itself on the maturing boy .
30 Alexei loosed , and the arrow leapt from the bow and embedded itself in the wooden spike which rose from the dome of a house two streets away .
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