Example sentences of "[vb past] to go [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
2 I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs , and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors , begging our way for the love of God , so that we might be beheaded there … .
3 The bang of the younger one 's heart seemed to go right through the earth like thundering horses .
4 He was beginning to find pieces which seemed to go together with the hint of a pattern …
5 It was cooled by air-conditioning today , as the temperature threatened to go well above the century mark on the old Fahrenheit scale .
6 NATO decided to go ahead with the cruise missiles before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and against a background of Soviet-American agreement in the Salt 11 talks on strategic weapons .
7 Within ten minutes , Woodrow Wilson had consulted with his chiefs of staff in the war room , and decided to go ahead with the contingency plan .
8 Kennedy decided to go ahead with the plan .
9 On 20 December ACAS decided to go ahead with the balloting , though Grunwick refused to supply the names and addresses of those working .
10 All I know is that my presence was no surprise to them , but they decided to go ahead with the drop anyway .
11 I was very kindly invited back to the marquee for tea , but as it was by then after 4.30pm , I decided to go straight to the car , take off my dripping mackintosh , and drive back to London , after a very happy day which raised £25,000 for the Prince 's Trust .
12 He decided to go straight into the wood without consulting Bigwig , and to trust that the rest would follow .
13 Finally , the shaman ( priest ) of the tribe decided to go alone to the top of the hill and speak to the Great Spirits .
14 I decided to go alone on the Sunday morning .
15 Twelve days later I received a call from an exultant Sylvia who told me that , on the previous evening , she had in fact managed to go right into the cupboard and switch off the light .
16 We had to go downstairs to the toilet , and in the winter the water used to freeze up .
17 Sartre and de Beauvoir had to go elsewhere after the Liberation .
18 Not Adam Burns , though — oh no , he had to go straight for the jugular .
19 He had to make frequent visits to hospital , for plaster to be changed , for X-rays and check-ups , and as unfortunately further cancer cells had been found in his spine , he had to go periodically to the Christie Hospital again .
20 I did not often take part in the passeggiata because soon after school ended I had to go home on the tram , but sometimes a schoolfriend of mine called Wilma used to invite me to stay the night if there was a lot of homework to be done .
21 The ministry said that it intended to go ahead with the slaughter of the flock ‘ as soon as possible ’ .
22 ‘ We intended to go peaceably to the buffalo country ’ , Joseph noted , ‘ and leave the question of returning to our country to be settled afterward ’ .
23 They refused to go home at the end of their shift and worked frantically to reach him .
24 Also , although I did n't know the place , I suspected that most of the low-lying shore would dry out , and I wanted to go there on the flood .
25 I wanted to go across to the hill and search for him , but we were tired and I remembered that Sir Henry might be in danger .
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