Example sentences of "[vb past] himself in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ramsay ensconced himself in the upper storey of the mill building , where he could gain as wide a view as possible .
2 When Bud moved south to West Bromwich Albion in 1976 , he found himself in a deep trouble after a game against Brighton , when he was sent off for the unpardonable offence of kicking a referee .
3 Blake moved from the Old Nag 's Head , through a courtyard , and found himself in a long alley .
4 Driving with difficulty through torrential rain while thunder and lightning crashed overhead , Jack found himself in a narrow West Country lane , realising that he had missed the turning that would have brought him back on to the main road .
5 He pushed through a regulation fire door and found himself in a narrow passageway that ran along by the stairs to the kitchen .
6 Later that same year Lord Thurso found himself in a similar predicament in Kelvin Hall , Glasgow .
7 Mr Kelly , a slater-plasterer ran off but found himself in a dead end .
8 But he found himself in a double bind ; the bankers said they would withdraw their support if he left and this would have killed the business instantly .
9 The boy found himself in a peculiar position .
10 Charles also found himself in a difficult position .
11 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
12 Cornelius found himself in the uncluttered office of Mister Arthur Kobold .
13 GARY MASON , whose avowed game plan is meet the world heavyweight champion , Mike Tyson , sometime in 1991 , last night found himself in the nearest thing to a test against that granite-hard fighter that his supporters could hope to imagine .
14 So Dustin found himself in the odd position of acting in English , while all around him the cast spoke Italian .
15 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
16 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
17 Like the majority of his contemporaries , Levin found himself in the vaguest position in regard to religion .
18 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
19 More than one Gaullist found himself in the difficult situation of having to give de Gaulle a lecture in Gaullism .
20 As the town hall clock struck twelve he found himself in an untidy cul-de-sac beneath the railway arches .
21 Simultaneously he increasingly involved himself in the literary life of London , a change in the balance of his career which began when he made the acquaintance of the poet , Alfred ( later first Baron ) Tennyson [ q.v. ] , who in 1867 commissioned Knowles to design his house in Aldworth , Sussex .
22 Cornelius seated himself in an exquisite chair before a mahogany partners ' desk .
23 Separating the tails of his jacket , he seated himself in the opposite chair , a frown creasing his forehead as he glanced about the room .
24 In desperation , Lucien shrouded himself in an outdoor cloak , and wrapped a thin , fringed shawl , which had been left as decoration over a table under the window , round his head and face , tucking its corners carefully beneath the cloak 's hood .
25 His Irish wife , Aylish O'Flaherty , ran off with their son , whom she feared would be raised as a heretic ; this was enough , by the statutes of the time , to have the marriage dissolved and the boy dispossessed ; but he distinguished himself in the Civil War , raising a troop of horse for the royalists , while the castle was occupied by Cromwellian troops .
26 A TEENAGE arsonist trapped himself in a blazing school , a court heard yesterday .
27 Burun was sitting on a chest which had been used to carry the food , and his second wife , Kiku , whom men called the Regal Lily , was standing behind him dressing his hair while he admired himself in a hand-held mirror .
28 Sir John Donaldson defended himself in a public speech saying that the court had not known that the assets had been earmarked for a political or any other purpose .
29 SPEEDING driver Shaun Largue almost killed himself in a head-on collision , a court heard .
30 A shop owner is believed to have murdered his wife and then killed himself in a double shooting .
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