Example sentences of "[vb past] to get [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Edgar tried to get hold of the key , but she threw it quickly into the hottest part of the fire .
2 We tried to get witnesses for the defence , but they ail confirmed that he had killed the DO on purpose .
3 Yes , said his critics , but it was a different story if anyone tried to get access to the information behind those methods .
4 Soon after the Persian Wars , as we saw on p. 23 , King Leotychidas of Sparta led an expedition to Thessaly , and ended the tageia of the Aleuads ; at about the same time , Plutarch says , there was a Greek , perhaps a Spartan , fleet at Pagasai , whose strategic importance we have just noticed , and the Spartans tried to get control of the Amphictyony ( see p. 33 ; Plut .
5 Tim was fascinated at seeing overturned engines on the side of the line , and you girls were a little anxious as you saw me and a nice Salvation Army wife tear down the track when the train stopped to get water from the engine !
6 You 'll need to retrace your steps on the path you originally took to get part of the way to Shining Tor leading to the A537 .
7 On the journey our eldest child picked up bubonic plague , and when the steamer moored at Chauk my wife managed to get medicines from the BOC Hospital shortly before it closed .
8 Between them all , they managed to get Liam to the house , the twins being much amused by all the palaver .
9 He managed to get Maidstone inside the building and upstairs without upsetting the portiera too much .
10 There was a rival demonstration by about 2,000 Communists and , according to various estimates , 500 Communists managed to get tickets into the hall .
11 Pieper tried and failed to get hold of the outfits to brief them and to gauge their reaction .
12 I agreed to get photos of the fuel rods for the Union in Washington .
13 Chen wanted to reach out and take Herrick by the throat and choke him to death , but first he had to get hold of the copy and get out with it .
14 ‘ We had forms to fill in , and he touched us for fags into the bargain , and we had to get water from the well . ’
15 We had to get people round the table and get them to speak to one another and get them to share the cost .
16 Another thing you might not realize is that erm , erm when you ordered motor buses you had to get authority from the Ministry of Transport and you used to appl apply for a bus grant .
17 Press and television thronged to get words from the aircrew , S/L Dave Thomas said it was the ‘ passing of a great era ’ and of the campaign to keep XH558 flying that ‘ it reflects the affection in which the aircraft is held . ’
18 She then found that one of the walls bulged , and wanted to get compensation from the surveyor .
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