Example sentences of "[vb past] manage [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You can both go to hell for all I care , ’ Sarella wondered how it was they 'd managed to get off the subject of the telephone call so quickly .
2 The whole legion of them from all sorts of different things , you know , there was the , the one about the , the secretary of the , of the club , the secretary of some organization , youth organization , said , in her annual reports , commented on how many young girls they 'd managed to get in the club that year .
3 Prohibition of imports continued , in theory if not in practice , until 1842 , though many European cattle did manage to slip through the net .
4 The upshot was that after much argument all three of them agreed to help out , and all five of us did manage to get to the church on time .
5 She was stitching the holes Rosie had managed to rip in the seat of his pants in the few seconds they were in her possession .
6 So , what they had managed to gather during the week , her father would arrange on makeshift trestles in the yard .
7 He said he had managed to swim under the pier and had found a ledge .
8 It was amazing , really , that he had managed to recover from the heart attack so easily .
9 Everyone made it back to the rendezvous where they laid up for the day , returning in the evening to pick up the SBS group which had managed to deal with the radio station .
10 By early the next morning the troops had managed to seal off the city centre area .
11 ‘ Ah , ’ he said at the finish , ‘ there was a rumour a few years ago that some Russo had managed to get to the top of the mountain . ’
12 Elizabeth , meanwhile , had managed to get down the lane and had reached her father-in-law 's farm , even though the narrow cart track was blocked in several places where the snow had drifted up against the hedge .
13 Freddie had managed to get into the hall by now , although even here his hostess had contrived to place her formidable bulk before the front door , her expression revealing , only too plainly , her disappointment at his early departure and her failure at not having conducted the evening more to her advantage .
14 Louise was carrying a large bag which she had managed to balance on the handlebars of her scooter .
15 On his way home from college , he had managed to slip into the bookshop and grab a few quick words with Joe on the pretext of asking for a book , but the small , stout man could only tell him more or less what he already knew .
16 He returned an hour later with a few stunted bushes he had managed to prise from the rock .
17 There 'd been a big square of white cloth amongst them , which a group of nomes had managed to tie around the human 's mouth after its mooing got on everyone 's nerves .
18 After more than three years at the Manor , he had managed to pull round the farms and get the timber business running smoothly .
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