Example sentences of "[vb past] draw up [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If this small group tried to draw up a new market contract , bargaining would be protracted because of the known absence of alternative partners .
2 The second world climate conference , held in Geneva in early November , ended with an agreement to work towards a convention on limiting global warming , but failed to draw up a specific strategy for curbing emissions of greenhouse gases .
3 US representatives suggested imposing a lengthy , binding moratorium on all mining activity , while the UK favoured drawing up a revised convention governing conditions under which mining would be permitted .
4 He had drawn up a long list of people she ought to talk to during the day : fashion houses , designers , a couple of artists ' studios , a gallery specializing in contemporary prints .
5 As early as 1886 its legal sub-committee had drawn up a whole series of amendments to the criminal law which it wanted to see on the statute book .
6 Whereas Liz , by some immense , visionary effort had invented her own mercy , under cover of obedience , had drawn up a secret map of escape , and had departed , and was now at this instant giving a party for hundreds of guests where champagne flowed .
7 He also bought a teaspoonful of tea from one of the artillery women for ten pounds , to be paid after the siege was over or , in case of death , by his executors to certain of her relations ; to lend substance to this rather nebulous arrangement which at first only seemed to excite the suspicion of the woman selling the tea , Fleury had drawn up an elaborate letter which began impressively : " To Whomsoever May Find This Missive , I , George Fleury , Being Then Deceased , " and which seemed to Fleury to give a certain legal solemnity to the transaction .
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