Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] to stand [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He glanced up to where Merrill had come to stand in the doorway , an amused smile flickering across his sensual mouth , his eyes slightly mocking .
2 The term of the outgoing president , Khristos Sartzetakis , had expired on March 30 , but Karamanlis had refused to stand as the candidate of New Democracy earlier in the year .
3 Of the other candidates , Funar was mayor of Cluj-Napoca where he was known for anti-Hungarian measures [ see p. 38922 ] ; Dragomir had been chosen as NSF candidate on July 25 after Petre Roman , former Prime Minister and leader of the reformist NSF [ see p. 38881 ] had refused to stand for the presidency ; Manzatu , a professor and founder of the Republican Party ( RP ) , was formerly connected with the Ceausescu leadership ; and Druc , formerly Prime Minister of Moldova , campaigned solely on the unification issue .
4 On Aug. 18 Nguza , who had refused to stand in the election , warned that Shaba , his home province , would not accept Tshisekedi 's authority .
5 She had gone to stand at the cemetery end after spotting Uncle Vernon on the touchline in front of the club-house .
6 Then she closed the door behind them both , and moved to confront him where he had gone to stand by the desk , clearly nervous .
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