Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] himself in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His father , Philip Henry Thomas , had distinguished himself in a Civil Service Examination ( Executive Branch ) and had been posted to a staff clerkship for light railways and tramways at the Board of Trade .
2 Israel knew beyond a shadow of doubt that there was one God , the Creator of the whole world , who had disclosed himself in a special way to their nation .
3 He had positioned himself in a narrow doorway , in the vain hope it would provide him with some shelter from the biting cold .
4 " And directly after this , at the beginning of Chapter 17 , there is another abrupt change of tone : [ 7 ] Captain Cuttle , in the exercise of that surprising talent for deep-laid and unfathomable scheming , with which ( as is not unusual in men of transparent simplicity ) he sincerely believed himself to be endowed by nature , had gone to Mr Dombey 's house on the eventful Sunday , winking all the way as a vent for his superfluous sagacity , and had presented himself in the full lustre of the ankle-jacks before the eyes of Towlinson ( I ) .
5 After the The Lancaster House agreement , Mike had found himself in a similar position to the rest of the Rhodesian Army — overqualified , over-trained , and unemployed .
6 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
7 The laird who sought the politician 's aid had found himself in an embarrassing predicament when a brother had unexpectedly returned to the family estate after many years spent at sea .
8 For posterity he had dressed himself in the imperial style of one hundred and ten years earlier ; a simpler , more brutal style , without embellishment .
9 Lenin had been the effective leader in the United States of Soviet Russia but he died in January 1924 , leaving two possible successors , Trotsky and Stalin , but Stalin had established himself in the Communist hierarchy and Trotsky was subsequently expelled .
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