Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [art] hard [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ILL-MANNERED Tories booed , hissed and slow-handclapped Brighton 's Labour mayor as she told them the hard facts of life in Major 's Britain .
2 Terry Melchett , the supermarket manager , whose wife left him for another woman , gave me a hard shove in the small of the back .
3 ‘ Good afternoon , ’ she said tightly , which earned her a hard elbow in the ribs from Mandy .
4 Mankiewicz always refuted stories that Sinatra gave him a hard time on the set , but one of Mankiewicz 's sons said that his father ‘ finished the picture hating Sinatra ’ .
5 The press gave him a hard time for his swing and his technique , but I love his attitude .
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