Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] right [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the government reserved the right to act within the law in respect of individual cases .
2 And he reserved the right to say to the Government ‘ Get your tanks off my lawn ’ .
3 In an agreement for the sale of land the vendor reserved the right to remain at the property after completion as licensee and to trade therefrom without payment of rent
4 Emphasising the point that this was a ‘ voluntary association of equal Soviet Socialist Republics ’ , each of the union republics enjoyed the right to secede from the USSR ( Art .
5 The Directive permitted a right to apply to the courts against decisions by the relevant national authorities without restricting the exercise of discretion by those authorities .
6 Senior ACPO members , notably its president Charles McLachlan , the Chief Constable of the Nottinghamshire Constabulary , also prioritised the right to work over the right to picket .
7 Tonight 's winner has until mid-December to agree a purse offer with Lewis , who won the right to fight for the title with his second-round knockout of Razor Ruddock .
8 The declaration proclaimed further that the Russian people had the sole right to own , utilize and dispose of Russia 's natural wealth ; that the RSFSR had the right to form its own diplomatic links with other Soviet republics and foreign states ; and that it had the right to participate in the exercise of powers which it had voluntarily passed to the Union .
9 Her complaint was that she had the right to return to the job she had left : if this was not possible because of redundancy , she had a right under s 45(3) of the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 to be offered alternative employment if there was a suitable available vacancy .
10 It incorporated a Spanish proposal whereby EC citizens would be allowed to reside anywhere in the EC ( currently they only had the right to work throughout the EC ) and to vote in local and EC elections .
11 If he should come to hear of all this , however , he still had the right to apply to the court for a ‘ stay of execution ’ .
12 Too late now to withdraw this confession into privacy , even had that been the abbot 's inclination , for it had been spoken out before all the brothers , and as members of a body they had the right to share in the cure of all that here was curable .
13 Instead democracy came to embody the more limited claim that the working class had the right to compete within the established state institutions and within the established society , with the clear expectation that they would not use the state to intervene in society to effect fundamental change .
14 He had , he claimed , been superseded in a promotion which he thought he had a right to expect from the Master of the Horse .
15 The service standards could have been just circulated internally , but making them public meant everyone would know what level of service they had a right to expect from the police .
16 The son had no right to complain for the father might make what distribution of his property he liked ; and the son 's abstaining from doing what he had no right to do can be no consideration .
17 He said that the FIA tribunal had no right to rule on the case until a hearing in Portugal and should not have heard representation from Mansell and Ferrari at a hearing in Paris last Thursday .
18 The FIA tribunal postponed any decision , but Balestre said it had no right to rule on the case until after the Portuguese hearing and should not have heard representation .
19 The member States had no right to interfere in the working of the Commission , nor to take unilateral action within the terms bestowed upon the Commission .
20 In settlement of Point Four , the sultan expressed goodwill towards his Christian subjects in return for an acknowledgement , on the part of the Great Powers , that they had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Ottoman Empire .
21 The first time my mother had been indignant and remarked that Syl had no right to disappear for the evening without telling us where he was going .
22 He listened silently , simply nodding when she had finished He could never marry her and he had no right to stand in the way of any happiness she could find .
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