Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] support for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On April 2 an estimated 50,000 people demonstrated their support for the democracy movement in Kathmandu , while doctors and other professionals joined a general strike , in defiance of legislation prohibiting strikes in " essential services " .
2 The Congress , in giving a high priority to agreements with Arab countries , affirmed its support for the consolidation of the Arab Maghreb Union [ see pp. 36474 ; 37200-01 ] and for the Palestinian intifada .
3 Baker visited Saudi Arabia and Jordan on July 20-21 and both King Fahd and King Hussein announced their support for the US plan and for the Egyptian initiative .
4 On April 8 the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) announced its support for the ultimatum .
5 On Jan. 9 , 1990 , the US administration announced its support for the restoration of World Bank loans to China which met " basic human needs " ; the International Herald Tribune reported on Jan. 13 that this covered about $2,000 million of the $7,000 million sought by the World Bank .
6 The PNC reiterated its support for the peace plan it had approved in 1988 [ see p. 36438 ] , which was based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people .
7 Regarding environmental issues , the Group of Seven in the final declaration ( i ) committed itself to undertake " common efforts to limit emissions of greenhouse gases " ; ( ii ) reiterated its support for the negotiation of a " framework convention on climate change " under the auspices of the UN ; ( iii ) committed itself to negotiating a " global forest convention " in order to curb deforestation and protect biological diversity ; and ( iv ) agreed to co-operate with Brazil on a programme to protect the tropical rain forests in that country .
8 The heads of government pledged their support for the attempts of the Organization of American States ( OAS ) to find a solution to the crisis in Haiti [ see p. 38758 ] and condemned the attempted coup in Venezuela [ see pp. 38759-60 ] .
9 Reaffirmed its support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the ‘ sole legitimate representative ’ of the Palestinian people and stated that it should play a full role in a UN conference to negotiate a settlement to the Middle East conflict .
10 The Security Council also confirmed its support for the role played by Pérez de Cuéllar , explicitly requesting him " to assist the two communities by making suggestions to facilitate the discussions " , and calling on both communities to co-operate with him " on an equal footing " .
11 At the rally at Halkebi Turkish Community Centre , trade union officials from the Taylor 's and Garment Workers Union and Transport and General Workers Union and MPs Diane Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn stated their support for the workers and protested the home office policy .
12 On Aug. 23 seven of the 12 political organizations which had initially supported Pascal-Trouillot 's appointment declared their support for the Council of State and demanded the postponement of the elections until such time as the safety of voters could be guaranteed .
13 Of the 45 Smallholder deputies 33 ( led by Gyula Pasztor ) were expelled from the party , prompting them to call a mini-congress on Feb. 22 in Budapest , attended by nearly 4,000 supporters who reaffirmed their support for the Antall government .
14 In the following two years French governments repeatedly reaffirmed their support for the EDC , but did not submit the treaty for ratification .
15 In May 1916 Woodrow Wilson , the US President , declared his support for the idea of a League of Nations .
16 Mr Baker declared his support for the EC ‘ taking on increasingly important political roles ’ .
17 Hekmatyar , who had suspended his participation in the mujaheddin government-in-exile in August 1989 [ see also p. 37354 ] , declared his support for the coup at a press conference in Islamabad on March 6 .
18 Nevertheless , he regarded himself as " deaf and dumb " , declared his support for the retention of this phrase and tried to counter the arguments for its abandonment .
19 On May 13 Don W. Wilson — who , as the head of the National Archives and Records Administration , was generally accepted as the custodian of the Constitution — declared his support for the validity of the measure and stated that he was preparing to certify its adoption as the 27th Amendment .
20 On the outbreak of war one week later , the Communist Party hesitated and then reversed its support for the war into an appeal for a " people 's peace " .
21 All the main parties except the communist Party of the Left and the Greens expressed their support for the move .
22 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
23 President Askar Akayev of Kirghizia condemned the " anti-constitutional coup " and Yeltsin 's decrees were repeatedly broadcast , but the Kirghiz CP expressed its support for the SCSE .
24 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
25 In Brazil Bush thanked President Fernando Collor de Mello for adopting sanctions against Iraq ( one of Brazil 's major export markets ) and expressed his support for the government 's efforts to protect the Amazonian rain forest .
26 Baker travelled to Egypt on July 19 for talks with Mubarak , who expressed his support for the US plan , as did the visiting Lebanese Foreign Minister Faris Buwayz .
27 Ron George , leader of the Native Council of Canada , expressed his support for the package which , he said , would allow Canada 's native inhabitants for the first time to become " contributing members instead of poor statistics " .
28 Mr Hawke last week repeated his support for the airlines recruiting new pilots overseas and re-hiring their former pilots on individual contracts .
29 The NATO leaders stressed their support for the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) — which grouped east and west European countries , the USA and Canada — and urged that the CSCE 's role be enhanced and expanded .
30 The Group extended its support for the arts during 1992 , in particular sponsoring the revival of Xerxes at the English National Opera and the Royal Academy of Arts ' Summer Exhibition in London , which is the premier event of its type in the UK .
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